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This episode reveals how the Working Committee of Auroville abuses power in contravention to the Auroville Foundation Act & AV Rules of 1997. It also reveals how they have been hidden their economic offenses for years by derailing investigations. Working Committee in collusion with the Chairman is the only logical conclusion that anyone can derive, are the ones due to which such a huge nexus of such offenses has gone under the radar.
A Long-standing Working Committee member (foreigner) is the reason why the truth has never been spoken so far. Please like and share and spread the word so that such offenses seize in Auroville and Auroville manifests itself to the City of Dawn.
We do not side with any political party and we fight for common mankind ( an amalgamation of all races, countries, and ethnicity ) for everlasting happiness to follow through set procedures in a framework.
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