Everyone is aware of the Housing Service of Auroville which has been constituted to primarily provide housing for New Comers, Aurovilians and Aspirants but what happens behind closed doors is something more sinister :
a) Housing Service has various houses in Auroville but give preference to their own friends and mostly foreigners. This we do not say because of any racist propaganda but this is reality. So much for a place which propagates human unity and equality. Bigger houses are given to their own friends and kept for themselves or sold to people with money.
b) Housing is also a basic necessity for any human to live so if housing is not given then how would they survive ? This is how Housing Service vindicates people who speak the truth and / or are personally not liked by the members in Housing Service. It may also be noted that to become an Aurovilian one has to live in an Auroville house, so it housing is denied or delayed, this effects their Aurovilian process.
c) Housing Service is well aware of t fact that the Auroville houses are used as Guest Houses and given on rent for New Comers, Tourists and Aspirants in cash - This means the amount of money generated from such sources do not come into the Accounts of Auroville - Free Housing & Free Business through Free Housing - This is why police and FRRO are not allowed to check Auroville houses for the register of guests - since if register is maintained then accounts need to be shown. With this practice of greed comes a greater threat to National Security wherein anyone can come and live in Auroville by paying money without proper documents in the C Form Guest Register- This has been cited various times by the FRRO.
d) Aurovillians have mismanaged around 4000 acres of Lands and housing for 3700 residents is not possible ? Such a logical question is well known. Aurovilians have got the lands free of cost, raise donations citing housing for Aurovilians and then sell these houses to people with money for 40-60 lkhs or above. Which means that free land, free construction cost and free money selling the same house in a word coined as "stewardship". This is also in clear violation of Donation laws where Donation money is used for undue enrichment not for the purposes for which it was taken. Donation is public money and laws are in place to protect that since Donation is raised in the name of Auroville fooling the donors.
e) As Auroville belongs to nobody in particular then why do Aurovilians hold private property and tell others that holding private property is against the Charter of Auroville ? Why are they selling stewardship (which means you pay but do not own) which is unaccounted and where does this money go ? Many people after paying for stewardship have been forced to vacate their houses since they are not liked personally by some Aurovilians by using fake complaints through their own internal kangaroo courts. This is nothing but daylight robbery of these individuals. Various such foreigners and Indians have been a victim of this and the details are with us.
f) Property appreciates but for Housing Service it depreciates. For example if a person buys (we will use the word buy even if it is called stewardship) a house at 20 lkhs and then wishes to give back the house after 5 years, the Housing service gives him 15 lkhs or lesser. Whereas the value of the same property has already gone upto 30 lkhs. And the same house is then sold for stewardship at 30 lkhs or above -
Where is the fringe difference ?
g) This clearly shows the people who are in power and running Auroville currently hide behind words of autonomy and self governance and hide behind the cloak of Principles of Auroville only for personal gains and has nothing to do with the greater good of Auroville. This is how they administer assets under the Government of India, Ministry of Education.
Housing Service should be dissolved for facts stated herein and all control of administering houses should be given to the Government of India for an interim period till Aurovilians find a proper solution for administration.
Since housing also comes under land matters a thorough scrutiny of Land acquisition must be conducted for transparency and ethics and find out the connection between selling, reselling, architects and donation fraud. As mentioned in our files the connection between the Housing Service and the Architects who are indulging in mismanagement of Donation and Government grants are all linked together.
This is a known story which everyone knows but don't wish to speak. A thorough forensic audit of the accounts and assets of these Aurovilians in Housing Service, land acquisition of all properties of Auroville and proper reforms will ensure that all Aurovilians get free housing for the work they do for Auroville, not on basis of power, money, personal preferences and greed.
Auroville currently has all the resources that are enough for all to flourish, but the corrupt few are fooling residents, public and the government which such falsified way of functioning citing The Principles of the Mother which they do not follow, but use it as a tool to do their notorious business at the expense of True Aspirants, New comers and Aurovilains.
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