Auroville, renowned as an experimental township rooted in spiritual ideals, has found itself grappling with economic disparities that undermine its original vision. In this comprehensive exploration, we shed light on the dichotomy between the privileged elite and those striving for basic livelihood. Additionally, we delve into the implications of the Enquiry Committee report, providing a more extensive analysis of Auroville's economic landscape.
Over the years, Auroville has witnessed a shift towards elitism, where financial motives and personal power often supersede the principles envisioned by the Mother. What was meant to be a collective endeavor has been marred by a pursuit of wealth, with donations and volunteer efforts sometimes diverted towards individual agendas, overshadowing the community's well-being.
The Mother said all profits are to come to the community, whereas in reality business activities in Auroville are used to fund personal bank accounts, flouting visa laws and the against purpose of the institution for decades.
The Mother's vision emphasized a singular trust overseeing Auroville's finances to ensure transparency and control. However, the Auroville Foundation, comprising multiple trusts, has complicated accounting procedures, eroding oversight of its various activities. Furthermore, some long-standing Aurovilians, also holding influential roles, have implemented policies allowing them to retain a substantial portion of profits, deviating from the communal contribution envisioned by the Mother.
While Auroville institutions have historically presented their work as selfless service to the Divine, evidence suggests a departure from these principles. Certain individuals have accumulated wealth discreetly, utilizing complex trust structures to conceal assets and legitimize ill-gained profits through internal audits. Many such cover-ups have occurred from 2019-2023 with the help of public officers in Auroville Foundation, showing profits, investments, and beneficiaries are the same individuals.
Shell trusts attached ill-gained assets and lands, and shell private limited companies are all told to be brought into " the legal framework of Auroville " through undue favors from public officers.
In contrast, a significant portion of Auroville remains unaware of these actions, earnestly following the principles of karma yoga. Newcomers and volunteers unknowingly contribute to the enrichment of a select few, upholding the communal ideals they signed up for. However, red tape and nepotism imposed by Working Groups and the Auroville Board of Commerce often hinder aspiring entrepreneurs, trapping them in a cycle of financial struggle.
The Enquiry Committee report of 2019, sought central agency investigations to bring back all illgained wealth, and brought attention to criminal breaches of trust and cheating on a global scale. Despite the gravity of these allegations, the report seems to languish on a cold shelf in the Ministry of Education, raising questions about the commitment to rectify Auroville's economic course.
Recent actions from 2019 to 2023 indicate a consolidation of wealth by the Auroville Foundation, yet there is conspicuous neglect of the core issue: redistributing assets for equality. The hope lies with the current governing Board, led by the Governor of Tamil Nadu, to dissolve independent trusts, bringing them under the Auroville Foundation and putting an end to the autonomy that perpetuates inequality, as the Mother envisioned.
The ill-gained wealth is purportedly channeled to fund protests, legal challenges, and even influence investigative agencies. This insidious practice further erodes the spiritual legacy of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, threatening the very essence of Auroville.
In conclusion, this exposé, grounded in factual information, calls for a collective effort to restore Auroville's spiritual legacy and address the economic disparities that imperil its foundational principles. It is imperative for the global community and Mother India to rise collectively to uphold the sanctity of Sri Aurobindo's vision and the Mother's ideals for Auroville.
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