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The Disgruntled Protesters | Auroville

Writer's picture: The Auroville FilesThe Auroville Files

Updated: May 8, 2023

After the article below on Saturday, the 6th of May 2023, the protest in Auroville against the change in management went ahead, but without the workers of the Visitor's Center. Through sources, we found out the workers were instigated by the colonials to protest for salary hike and their provident fund, although after explaining to them that it was their past executive who hasn't done this, they did not participate.

Since truth is known by many the protest or silent march saw very few souls, with copious amounts of aggressive behaviour in the name of spiritual consciousness.

Ex- executive of Auroville Eco-service

Members of Entry Service, an ex-executive of the Visitors Center and a Quack Architect headed the same in the name of human unity.

Quack Architect Satprem Maini

In our country to practice architecture, you need to be registered with the Council of Architecture. This quack architect has been alleged to swindle money through architectural projects, harass others in the area who are teaching or practising architecture ( licensed architects who are not a part of Auroville ), and take classes for students without a license.

He is also known to have his hands in diverting donations of Tsunami Relief to his own projects like building a temple for the ex-chairman of Auroville. While architects in our country are penalised and even jailed for practising without a license, here we have a Government of India project entertaining his antics including his dubious reports of the quality of construction of the Crown Road. He is known to have many connections in Delhi so he is safe from his criminal activities and wishes the Secretary is removed, who is implementing law and order.

Head of Entry Service / Businesswoman

The head of the entry service who is known to have been biased against people entering Auroville was spearheading the movement. She is known to have destroyed many lives of newcomers, volunteers & Aurovilians. Her family has also diverted earnings from their business to personal escapades in Spain and other places. Unutilised funds were used by them to start more branches of their business units. It is known that such money is now going to help them in opening a coffee outlet in Chennai as well. Her hands are in entry service and FAMC, giving them favourable decisions for their illegal activities. She has been against the Right to Education in Auroville. Countless human rights violations have been reported perpetrated by her.

How does she operate?

While the FAMC & Working Groups have allowed such characters to breed in our country, destroying the ethos of Auroville and unduly enriching themselves, it is yet to be seen why the Government is silent on their ill-gained wealth and why 100% of their earnings is not given to Auroville as the Mother envisioned.

It is our own government which has entertained them in our country to use their clout of Auroville lobby against the law of our land, while the law is to be equal for all.


Published, 6th May 2023

Mental Slavery of Unity: Gives an illusion of freedom which makes you trust, love and defend your oppressor while making enemies of those trying to free you or open your eyes.

After the miserable failure of the instigated protests of tree huggers and NGT, the Auroville colonists are back to their tactics of Divide and Rule, painting a wrong picture and narrative to hide their sinister interests.

This so-called "silent unity walk" is engineered by disgruntled unit holders who have been asked to step out of their positions due to economic scandals, mismanagement and going against the ethos of Auroville. This came after the suspension of the accused officer in the Auroville Foundation, which created a ruckus inside the community and discussions of "tactics" to annul this was the talk between the powerful elite. Let us look at some of the allegations of these units:

The ex-executive of the Visitors Center has been alleged to steal from the visitor's parking money, owns lavish properties across the world, and afford to send her child to Harvard, while the Auroville schools don't even give a certificate for higher education in India. She was also holding a monopoly in Visitor's Centre where only her friends could sell products, not all units.

The executive of Solitude Farm, which is a farming unit, not a restaurant, is known to sell produce from the farm to markets in Puducherry. The sustainability of Auroville is an illusion and the Auroville Foundation has set processes in motion to ensure Auroville farms are self-sustaining, which means doom to their nexus.

The instigators in the background include quack architects who want to be in TDC to make money, the accused in economic offences and the gang leaders of the tree-hugging coup to keep the Masterplan at a moot point.

The colonial mindset of these rulers is to depute Indian sepoys to do their bidding and morph a completely different narrative and story and what better way than make the workers protest for them?

The Government of India has merely changed the executives and not taken any criminal action against them, in the disguise of a spiritual human experiment. It seems the GOI doesn't wish to come out clean and it is more like a change of power, than a clean-up. Till proper criminal investigation does not ensue on the trusts, unit holders and AVI, these protests and unrest in Auroville will continue, affecting the peace and ethos of the place, or maybe their vision of unity is to rob together?

The FAMC of Auroville has asked these workers to not participate but we are to see how this turns out.




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