Central Information Commission asks Public Information Officer of Auroville Foundation to submit the details sought under the RTI Act
In our efforts to restore free speech and information which is the backbone of any democratic nation and a community like Auroville, we had stumbling blocks when we sought out answers from the Auroville Foundation. This can also be parallel to what happens inside where Working Committee hides and covers up the Truth from the Residents. And Residents of Auroville unaware, busy with parties or drugs or disinterested play along. For the following RTI dated 26th August 2018 responses given by the Public Information Officer of Auroville was unsatisfactory. Hence we filed a Second Appeal of which the hearing was held today on 11th March 2020. The Central Information Commission has passed an order that the Public Information Officer gives reply to the same within 20 days. (corrected)
We also submit that not only was this RTI not replied satisfactorily, but also the PIO of Auroville has not replied to 8 of our RTIs altogether of which we have already written to the Central Information Commission ( Please read our previous article on CIC Complaint on PIO )
To Eradicate Corruption free speech and information is necessary
This is our toil to ensure that proper information is given to the residents of Auroville and Public at large. This is why we made The Auroville Files, so truth may be told to the world for True Auroville to blossom. Thank you Central Information Commission with all our hearts and best wishes - We know Truth shall prevail and Auroville will prosper...
Follow us: www.theaurovillefiles.com
Email – theaurovillefiles@gmail.com
The following is the Second Appeal Submission :
The Right to Information Act, 2005 Appeal before Central Information Commission As I am aggrieved by the decision of the Public Information Officer or First Appellate Authority, I hereby file this appeal for your kind decision. 2. Details of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO): 2.1 Name / Designation: Pradumna Tiwari, PIO 2.2 Full Address: Auroville Foundation Bhavan, Auroville - 605101 2.3 Name of Public Authority: Auroville Foundation (Ministry of H.R.D., Govt of India) 3. Details of First Appellate Authority [FAA]: Auroville Foundation (Ministry of H.R.D., Govt of India) 3.1 Name/Designation of the FAA: Pradumna Tiwari, PIO 3.2 Full Address of FAA: Auroville Foundation Bhavan, Auroville - 605101 4. Dates of RTI application / first appeal: 4.1 To CPIO: RTI Application no : AFOUN/R/2018/50009 & mailed on: 26 August 2018. It was also registered on RTI Government Website - www.rtionline.gov.in and also paid online. 4.2 To FAA: -First Appeal Registration no : AFOUN/A/2018/60006 & mailed on: 27th September 2018. It was also registered on RTI Government Website - www.rtionline.gov.in 5. Particulars of Decisions: 5.1 Reference No & Date of CPIO Decision: No Decision Given within time frame 5.2 Reference No & Date of FAA’s Decision: Reply was give Reference no: AF/G/4-A/444 and received by me on 28th October 2018 5.3 Date/s of personal hearing by FAA: N/A 6. Dates of receipt of replies by appellant from: 6.1 CPIO : N/A - As no reply was given 6.2 FAA: Received on 28th October 2018 via registered post 7. Details of information sought: I. Auroville Foundation has centres and bank accounts outside India. It is also known that you’ll hold a Swiss Bank account. Have all these been furnished in your returns to the Government of India? Who is / are operating / authorised signatory/s of these overseas bank accounts of Auroville Foundation? Who is / are operating / authorised signatory/s of the ICICI Bank account of Auroville Foundation in Auroville or other parts of India ? A copy of these bank accounts and details asked herein and their statements are necessary for the past 3 years. Reasons for why Auroville Foundation choose ICICI (a private sector bank) and not a government bank like SBI is required. II. How many foreign Aurovillians are earning commercial income through activities like acting in movies ? Names of these people who have been given permission by Auroville Foundation and quantifying their income is required. III. How many foreign Aurovillians are registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs? Names of these people are required with copies of their DIN. IV. How many foreign Aurovillians make money through businesses in India and please quantify their returns? Names of these people and their business units and designations are required. The copies of their IT returns for the last 3 yrs are required. V. I know that such foreign Aurovillians have amassed wealth, assets, vehicles and keep going on foreign trips. Where does this income come from ? Have these been audited ? Does this fall under the category of “Necessary Expenses” ? Explanation of the functioning of this system is necessary. VI. How many foreign Aurovillians were born in Pakistan or China? Has the Ministry of Home Affairs been updated of their work and has a check been done on their background? Names of these Aurovillians, and the copy of their passport and visa are required. VII.How many Aurovillians have attained Supra-mental consciousness? After the demise of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, who is training New Comers & Aurovillians to attain supra-mental consciousness? Under what grounds are foreigners allowed to join Auroville? Please quantify the test and statistics of supra-mental consciousness parameters that are used on Aurovillians to judge their consciousness level. Copies of Judging Parameters, Names of Aurovillians who have attained Supra-mental Consciousness, Names of Aurovillians who have been awarded Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shree are required in the past 30 years. 8. Brief facts of the case: Auroville Foundation Act was enacted due to law and order issues and corruption between Aurobindo Ashram & Auroville, and not going into the details of the reason why, Auroville Foundation is a Central Government body to ensure that the vision of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother are realised. But, in the present, it seems to still be embroiled in mis-management and corruption, tax evasion, money laundering, land grabbing and other activities against the Laws of the Union of India. Further to this, Auroville Foundation and other bodies using the name of Auroville Foundation collect donations overseas which are not been accounted for. Since, Auroville operates very secretively and is in between two states and all land and assets being vested to the Central Government, it has gone unchecked for years. I myself was a victim of a land grabbing attack in Auroville, hence not only as a citizen of India, I also have a locus standi to ask these questions. In the name of spirituality, all laws of India seem to be flouted. 9. Reasons / Grounds for this appeal: I) The reply of the RTI itself was given 60 days after filing of the RTI II) Reply to my Answers which are not accurate and vague & reasoning therein: I. Auroville Foundation does not own centres and bank accounts outside India. Reason : The question in my RTI has not been throughly replied. Auroville Foundation has various trusts under them which have bank accounts outside India and do collect donations and hold consulting programmes outside India. Since, the money is being collected under the name of Auroville Foundation (Government of India), the question is valid as to how many accounts are outside India and who are the the signatories of the same. If money is being collected under the name of our Government, where is this money going? Auroville Foundation has a bank account in ICICI Bank, Auroville Branch. The Question is valid as to why a Government Organisation has an ICICI Bank account. They also have a SBI account, but not do much of transactions there. A 3 year statement is required to cross check if these accounts and transactions and the overseas account details have been submitted in their Annual Reports. II. This question cannot be answered as the information requested relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, and would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of individuals. Reason: Auroville Entry Visa is given to foreigners for voluntary work inside Auroville. The question is of vital importance to know how many foreigners are making income acting in movies (for which a business / project visa is required) Furthermore, all Aurovillians (Indian or Foreigners) have to follow the Charter of Auroville, which is to let go of all personal possessions and other activities for income outside Auroville. It in any way does not invade anyone’s privacy, in fact it needs to be answered properly for reasons to know who is violating the Visa Laws of India and the Charter of Auroville, and how many of these individuals have disclosed their income. III. This question cannot be answered as the information requested relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, and would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of individuals. Reason : Evasive answer has been given and it does not invade anyone’s privacy. Ministry of Corporate Affairs is a government body and it is public records. It is the duty of Auroville Foundation to keep a check on how many Aurovillians are Directors in other companies. Again, are these income accounted for? Is the Auditor General of India aware of this income and is it in the annual report of Auroville Foundation? Since all Aurovillians are given this status and visa for the Community of Auroville are they violating Visa Laws and declaring their income to Auroville Foundation? Most of these incomes are also generated by using the name of Auroville Foundation. IV. This question cannot be answered as the information requested relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, and would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of individuals. Reason: It is duty of Auroville Foundation to monitor foreigners who are in Auroville Entry Visa and that the Charter of Auroville is followed. As pointed out in reasons in 2 & 3 above, these are public records and need to be monitored. V. This question cannot be answered as the information requested relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, and would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of individuals. Reason: These are not personal information, where the money comes from and the sources of the money coming into India or in India through activities against the principals and Laws of Auroville and Government of India need to be monitored. Can a person on Volunteer Visa go to another country and make money and amass wealth? This is the reason why it needs to be answered. VI. Decision : This question cannot be answered as the information requested relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, and would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of individuals. Reason: Since Pakistan and China are threats to India, is it not the duty of Auroville Foundation which issues visas to such nationalities be vetted properly? In another RTI dated 25th August 2018, Auroville Foundation has replied in point VII that they do not have any means to check background of these foreigners. This is an important question which affects the National Security of India and cannot be denied and is of vital importance. VII. Answer : Question is very vague and psychological / psychosomatic to be answered which cannot be answered by us. Reason: This question may seem very strange, but is not. Entry Service of Auroville Foundation decides who becomes Aurovillians and who cannot, and they have no means to check criminal records. In fact, they cannot keep a check on the activities of Aurovillians who they have issued visa to. Furthermore, Auroville propagates attainment of Supra-mental Consciousness and follow Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, hence they should have parameters to judge consciousness level. There is rampant racism against Non-Aurovillians, Villagers, Indians based on their consciousness level and most Aurovillians claim they are Supramental. Hence, this question should be answered as to how many people attained Supramental Consciousness, and if not it should be answered saying “None” The Other part of the question - Names of Aurovillians who have been awarded Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shree are required in the past 30 years can certainly be answered. And certainly they would know the name of such esteemed individuals, and if not, it should be answered as “None” The reason behind this question is that Government of India gives such facilitates to Auroville like 3300 acres of land, rampant use of visa, entry to Pakistanis, Chinese, floating visa laws, acquiring land, and enjoying free stay, subsidised food, electricity and water without paying housing taxes. Why is the Government of India giving such facilities, grants from time to time and what have they contributed to India whether Spiritual, Financial, Cultural, Art or otherwise have to be quantified. 11. Prayer/relief sought for: As per Section 7(1) of the RTI Act 2005, the PIO was to give the requested information within 30 days of the application, that is before 26th September 2018. Penalty from 26th September till 26th October 2018 to be imposed on the PIO As Right to Information Act is to give information on activities of the Central Government, it has to be adhered accordingly. As information given is for Larger Public Interest and for the Laws of the Land, it must be replied properly and not be evasive. The CIC may as per its discretion forward the details and questions raised herein to appropriate authorities for action on their behalf.