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Writer's picture: The Auroville FilesThe Auroville Files

Updated: Dec 4, 2019


(Verbatim Email from Shri Sanjeeji)

Dear All,

The recommendation by Sanjeev is a good and I hope the groups will consider it.

For a start a statement by the Working Committee and FAMC to Residents and the GB - will help in bringing clarity to the situation.



On 02-12-2019 06:29, sanjeev wrote:

Dear Friends of WC,FAMC,Unity Fund &Land Board,I share with you my response to the allegations made by Vikram Ram and the follow up action taken by the GB and its committee in asking for an investigation by GOI agencies.

There is an urgent need to clear the air of the confusion that is being spread by Aurovilians themselves around these allegations as well as a need to clear the air for the GB.For Aurovilians an urgent statement needs to be issued on the Avnet or in the GM today regarding the falsity of these allegations.I expect you will rise to the occasion.



-------- Forwarded Message --------




Sat, 30 Nov 2019 18:48:36 +0530



Dear Friends of RA REVIVAL,

I have read with interest the report of the GB Committee.Also the Agenda you have set for this meeting.How are you going to go through this Agenda in two hours when GB members deliberated for two days and concluded they were not equipped to deal with the various allegations of Vikram Ram??.

I share with you my first impressions for what they are worth .

Vikram Ram has made similar type of allegations against the under secretary as against Avns.Under Secy has been exonerated by the GB Committee.None of the allegations have been found true.For Av Units and Avns they have recommended an investigation by Goi agencies.I am sure most of the allegations against Avns will also go the same way as they have gone for the under secretary-towards the dustbin--if and when there is an investigation.The investigation if it at all happens will take a long time--GOI investigation agencies are dealing with scams that run into thousands of crores- Av has scams that maybe run into a few lakhs as the total amount granted of GOI money is about 15 crores-most of it spent usefully for the purpose for which it is given.In the whole report I did not find a single amount of loss mentioned except 8lkhs of interest.

How ever I think we should not wait for the GOI agencies to give us a clean chit.If we do so the false allegations will remain stuck on our face for a long time as these agencies will take their own time..I propose we are proactive and find ways of giving ourselves a clean name and/ or make course correction.

Here is how I would go about it:

For all allegations related to finances-Foreign exchange violations,misuse of funds,violations of law by trusts like hridaya Trust,kaliveli Trust,etc, we get the opinion of a well respected lawyer/Chartered accountant to point out if there is any substance in the allegations.If there is,then they can recommend course correction.

Similarly we present to a lawyer of repute all allegations of violations of Visa conditions.And get an opinion on the truth value of these.

And the same re:allegations of wrong doing in land transactions.These opinions of lawyers/CA's can be shared with GB members.

Re: Construction -the oversight committe has given its report to the GB.We can wait for their decision to accept or not their recommendations .I understand that they have mainly followed the SAIIER construction manual ,--they have recommended a tendering process of work valued at over Rs.1 crore.They have also recommended an approval of estimates by PEC or CPWD.For the rest as we know there is a complex process of check and double check of work done and money spent during the construction .

Or if there are people with with greater competence than the oversight committee members then they can be invited to make their recommendations to the RA.

I hope we can conduct the meeting with calm.Let us beware of politics and not get caught up in it because that is what I fear is going on.




a) Kindly read the Enquiry Report by The Governing Board. Shri Srinivas Murthyji has not been exonerated completely by the governing Board. In fact it states the following "the AO (Accused Officer) is exonerated in the specific instance" It also goes to say that "Committee suggests that as AO is an official of Auroville Foundation functioning under MHRD, Govt.of India, his role can be probed further as and when any fresh incriminating evidence emerge"

b) Shri VikramRam understands that the AO has been sandwiched between the Chairman and The Working Groups and in fear of holding his job he has signed various documents which are already incriminating evidence against him for over 10 years. For his position and respect for his long term service, Shri VikramRam stated that the entire System of Corruption should be eradicated and we should not single him out for "going with the flow" of corruption. The complaints are on public interest and not private complaints. Maybe Shri Sanjeevji should read law and the differences.

c) Government does not bother about just Government Grants, but Land Mafia, about Donation Fraud and various other economic offences, land encroachments and drugs. The government has competent agencies and do not need to take dictating terms from an accused because he feels that he is an Aurovilian and is above the law with words of "autonomy and self governance". Also the words used in his email shames the Government as he says that Auroville only gets 15 crores from the Government so its okay to ignore it ! Corruption is corruption whether 15 Rupees or 15 crores of Rupees. We are talking about 1000 or more crores of Corruption - We only gave little evidence and held back the rest for the CBI & ED.

d) The Resident Assembly, AV Council & Other Committees recommendations on such ludicrous emails will only reflect on the Entirety of Auroville.

e) Only Prima-Faci evidence is required to set the law in motion and as seen we have almost taken over the role of an investigative agency. The "Dustbin" files that he retorts about is just the beginning as more evidence has surfaced against Shri. Sanjeevji himself and he seems to be evading inquiry due to this.

f) How can a private Lawyer represent Aruoville Foundation, a statutory body under Ministry of HRD which is hired and paid for by the accused ? Shouldn't it be shown to a Public Prosecutor of the Central Government ?

g) When CBI nor anyone has not yet started investigation how can Shri Sanjeevji already conclude the decision of the charge-sheet and acquit himself ? What is he so apprehensive about ?

h) Why is Shri Sanjeevji highlighting visa - Is this because he wants to scare the Community ? We are against corruption of the Power Corridor not small visa issues.

To the Government of India:

a) Such is the state of the Resident Assembly of Auroville which is represented by the powerful accused not allowing Good Aurovilians to speak up.

b) For proper justice to Sri Aurobindo & the Mother's legacy such people should be ousted first and a thorough inquiry should ensue for the same which is being derailed by the corrupt and seemingly supported by the Chairman himself by inaction.

c) Our government represents the entirety of the Sovereignty and Respect of Mother India and if such cases are thrown into the 'dustbin' as told by the influential accused then Our country will be ridiculed by the World and also embolden such corruption on Indian soil, which mostly comprises of Foreigners.



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