Corruption, Cronyism, Nepotism and Intimidation in Auroville (Betraying the Dream)
- Written by an Aurovilian on 15th July 2014
This is exactly what we are seeing? Is History repeating itself? Or is this the Standard Operating Procedure of Cover-ups in Auroville? We pray that the True Aurovilians wake up and save The Dream.

Complacent is Complicit
The words and expressions, “corruption”, “nepotism”, “cronyism”, “bribery”, “blackmail”, “misappropriation of funds”, “diversion of funds”, “embezzlement”, “misrepresention of facts', “working deceptions on potential donors”, “land encroachment”, “misappropriation”, “concentration of power”, etc, all too often evoke bored yawns and perhaps a little irritation that someone is going on about that same old topic yet again.
Corruption, though, invariably diminishes the quality of life of its victims. To tolerate and cover up for those who indulge in corruption, as we tend to do in Auroville, makes us accessories to their corruption. Our silence, whether born of apathy, fear or censorship, is their greatest protection from justice.
Some think of corruption as something vague and nebulous, something “out there”, a little bit unpleasant but inevitable and bearable . . . like mosquitoes after rain. We need to take a fresh look at corruption and the devastating effect it now has and will have on Auroville's development and reputation. The chances of survival in any of the senses of the original vision of Auroville are reduced by our choice to tolerate corruption.
What are the ways in which those who operate corruptly evade scrutiny?
What are the costs of corruption to the community?
Can we come up with any positive, constructive approaches to the problem?
We need to be steadfast in our struggle against corruption. We need, as a community, not to let ourselves be distracted and misled by those who have a powerful interest in preserving the lucrative, for them, status quo. To say and do nothing as our society and its principles are insidiously eaten away from within is to collaborate with corruption.
Defences against Investigation and Reform
Those who indulge in corruption and their supporters employ a range of defences against those who challenge them:
focus on the personal in place of the issue, to create a distraction
attack those who challenge corruption or who call for accountability, investigation, transparency and openness
discredit challengers in any way possible, including: making false counter-accusations of corruption, of being a “troublemaker”, of being racist, of having serious mental health issues, etc
do anything to prevent a full public enquiry and debate on corruption in our community
wear people out with pointless distractions and diversions from the issue in question, eg Yes, yes, yes . . . but what about issue x or person y?
censor. They may use unwarranted influence over communication media, compelling the limitation or shutting down of communication for excessively challenging the status quo.
characterise Auroville as an exalted place, brimming with wholesome spirituality and loveliness, run by good people doing their very best and free of corruption. Anyone saying otherwise must only be doing so out of malice toward Auroville rather than out of genuine concern about real and serious problems that weaken and diminish it
spread malicious rumours and hearsay about critics and their motivations, knowing that so many are happy to pass on gossip without ever checking the facts.
talk down the threat from corruption. “Yes, of course there's corruption, but it's nowhere near as bad as you are saying” - a suggestion to just leave it, say and do nothing and all will be fine
buy influence by “generously” donating material and money to appear as a benefactor, but with strings and conditions that make sure that far more comes back than has been “invested”
Cost of Corruption and Cronyism to the Community
There is a high cost to corruption, often hidden but real, financial and in human terms
Corruption is corrosive and tramples on the dignity of all of us. The poorest and most vulnerable suffer most but everyone is directly or indirectly adversely affected
Associates and relatives of major corrupt operators appear in influential or key jobs, regardless of experience or capability
Nepotism, which robs our brightest and most able of opportunities to shine
Land and other valuable resources and privileges fall piece by piece into the hands or control of the most corrupt
Each rupee skimmed off or diverted by corruption is a rupee that does not go into the positive development of Auroville. It is theft by a powerful few from an effectively disempowered community.
The distribution of wealth and power becomes skewed, concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. Some will live in very large houses in nicely kept grounds while others are left to make do with tiny rooms and confined spaces
We become a society of people who are more and more selfish, interested only in our own welfare, insensitive to the needs and rights of those with little or no power, offering crumbs of subsistence in place of respect and justice. This results in rising inequality between those with accumulated wealth and those without
A society founded on unfair and unjust structures will never grow straight or ever reach its potential. It is a tainted gift we give to the next generation. The full potential of people and resources will not be achieved for the benefit of all
The quality of food, education, transportation, town planning is degraded to a lower and less reliable quality than might have been. Goods and services may very well be good, but they are far less likely to be excellent. The best will be reserved for the few and their accomplices in corruption. Decisions are made not for the best interests of Auroville but for political and/or financial gain of always the same few
Corruption, as a form of socio-economic parasitism knows better than to kill the host that gives it sustenance. The corrupt will boast that at least people are getting something when before they had nothing. Credit is taken for the small improvement and the corrupt quietly pocket the difference from the excellent results that would otherwise have been achieved
Those with vision and ability are likely to be excluded as they represent a threat to those who profit from the status quo. Others are intimidated into resigned inaction
The erosion of trust in Auroville and outside, as the information on corruption and the fact it is never tackled, begins more and more to trickle out
The future of corruption is ensured as the next generation is either groomed to take over the reins or is, for lack of a grounding in good social values, attracted to the material benefits of corruption. Benefiting from control of funding, land, water and other resources as well as influence over the development of Auroville and its people
Some Positive, Constructive Approaches to the Problem
The following suggestions might take us in a better direction from the one we are currently embarked upon. While no claim is made that they are definitive, the hope is that they will inspire in-depth discussion:
Let us have transparency – as a right, not as a favour
Recording and learning lessons from every case of corruption and cronyism
Generate a heightened awareness in the population of what is going on
Ceaseless vigilance
Clear penalties, including financial, automatic exclusion from participation in Auroville working groups for a period depending on the severity of the corruption
Audits by independent entities, which may be challenged as to any bias, but final decision to reside with the Residents' Assembly (RA), perhaps through agency of the Residents' Assembly Service (RAS)
Criticisms/questions MUST be answered by the authority or authorities concerned
Unless we find the will to come together and deal effectively with corruption we can stop speaking of Auroville as “The City the World Needs” in any sense but the deeply ironic. Currently we are jettisoning the Mother's ideals and busy converting Auroville into a venture dedicated to making money, where no one will ever have heard of karma yoga let alone understood and assimilated the concept. Money, land and resource ownership (actual or de facto) will reign supreme and the old idea of Auroville will remain as no more than a dream of the '60s.
Let those who feel they are being unjustly accused of corruption feel free to open up their entire operation for inspection and auditing and so unequivocally establish their innocence. Shine a cool light on the matter. In Auroville there are no enforcements and no penalties and such a set up will attract unscrupulous people of ill will.
The pressures on Auroville are great and rapidly growing, population, cultural, political all of which will impact demand for land, water, food, facilities, etc. When we downplay the effects of corruption on our community we effectively betray the most vulnerable and most disempowered.
We need to ask what we are collectively sleepwalking into and decide whether we are prepared to forget the Dream and instead deliver the spoils to those who have done most to undermine it.