Dr. K. Parameswaran, Deen of External and Alumni Relations [DEAR] and Governing Board Member of Auroville expressed his concerns on affairs in the Utopian Community.
We accidentally met with Dr. Parameswaran and shared a couple of our concerns and agree that Auroville is where spirituality and law confluence together, although on-ground the state of affairs is “no law and no spirituality” We also like to answer the questions raised by him in the following letter to the Residents of Auroville in brief with crystal clear clarity void of any xenophobia / vested interests :
a) The Masterplan of Auroville was manipulated after the demise of The Mother and has been a jigsaw puzzle ever since. It is also seen that certain lands of Sri Aurobindo Ashram were forcefully taken over by the "Rebel Aurovilians" with the help of locals leading to various crimes and murders from 1975-1988. These Aurovilians are the ones who have fueled the land encroachments and the land mafia in the area. Now they are in a faux pas since if they take over the land by law the encroachers will blurt out their collusion with the Aurovilians. Hence to date, no serious action has been taken and only court cases are filed wherein the Aurovilians help the opposite parties and hence it drags on and on. You are very well aware of how things can be manipulated in court cases. This is why Section 3 & 4 of the Auroville Foundation Act is not enforced. And if the Auroville Foundation Act in 1988 itself was not followed how can any amendments thereof have any appraisal?
b) The “Rebel Aurovilians” as we call them have their family members in Land Board always, are self-elected and the Resident Assembly is kept powerless by these people since they hold the basic necessities of Food, Housing and Visa. This is the reason why voices are never heard to esteemed members like yourself who are not present on the ground. Have you ever reflected on gross human rights violations of Foreigners and Indians who come to Auroville? This Article is the latest wherein one member of these families are alleged to manipulate lands of Auroville - https://www.theaurovillefiles.com/post/aurovilian-lawyer-sacked-for-revealing-corruption-auroville-land-mafia-thrives
c) Why No Action has been taken so far? This is because unjustifiable untenable explanations are given by those in the helm of affairs and the seriousness of the issue is not known by the Government of India and members such as yourself who have goodwill. We are very open to state that the members (Government) including the Chairman who have been in power for over 20 years have made a nexus for such operations. It is very clear that Masterplan is the issue - The only way is to tally the lands which were handed over and the "faulty ordinance" must be set right and those involved in these affairs must face law of the land - there is no forgiveness for such acts as they have blood on their hands and the complete onus of destruction of Auroville falls on them. Have you also closely seen the new policy that only 60 residents of Auroville can decide about anything – Let us not forget these generations of families themselves are over 100. Do we as normal citizens of our Motherland need to elaborate and approach a court of law for everything when it is the Governing Board that must set things right and decide even over The Chairman if the need arises. After all, we are servitors of the divine and not only public servants hence, even more, the responsibilities should be enforced regardless.
Encroachments are encouraged by Aurovilians - The Chairman either by oversight or for reasons best known to him supports them stating some strange quotes of autonomy and the Governing Board Members are kept confused with bedtime stories and fairy-tales. Our actions are the only way left for us to tell the truth – as it is not just about one or two small cases of corruption – it is a wide network that makes the entire Nation in bad light. Every foreigner friend of ours in Auroville expresses that the current government is as involved as the ones who created it and it is shameful for us as Nationalists to hear such words - hence there is no trust on the Government of India. This seems to be the reason why the Chairman was restless to not let the Petitioner express his concerns in the Open Meeting and every lie about his locus-standi can and will be explained threadbare when the time and need arises.
We request you to kindly set things in order we are sure you also wish to restore to the spiritual legacy of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. Land Board must be dissolved and to restore the glory of Auroville how can a Central Public Investigation be seen as detrimental to its name? Such explanations are given only by those who are involved in such actions and they are the only ones responsible to Mar the name of Auroville deliberately.
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