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Writer's picture: The Auroville FilesThe Auroville Files


The recent days have seen fake news from Auroville percolating into the public domain, alleging harassment by the State Police and the Secretary of Auroville, stopping public officers from doing their duties. It is appalling to see the City of Dawn, the Land of Truth which is to be an example for the world to follow, become a place of utter falsehood, run by criminally minded hooligans, twisting truth and law with the help of press releases, false protests, misguiding youth and the public at large. Sadly, even an esteemed MP fell into this trap of falsehood and thought otherwise which led to an article in the Hindu.

Let us look at a few of these false flag allegations and decipher the events leading to them:

We saw videos shared by a few Aurovilians of alleged “harassment by police” wherein the female police officer trying to quell the situation is stating in Tamil to get into her own car and go, while the girl in the video shouts out “This is Rape” in an overtone of hyperbole.

There was another post on a social media page of Auroville, which saw much support by the misinformed, alleging that “Aurovilians ( particularly youth) were beaten up & arrests were made” - which of course has no medical records, nor any arrests.

Afterward, the children of Youth Centre retracted that “No one climbed the JCB and they were peaceful” after seeing that they have created a law and order issue but the facts of their ruckus have been documented by many. This is completely untrue as in this picture in a newspaper, it shows the contrary. It shows how mobs of these gangs have stopped public officers from carrying out their duties.

Video of an aggressive youth of Auroville sitting on the JCB stopping work of public officers and slurring bad words.

It draws relevance of the picture from the Dark Days of Emergency wherein children were employed to displace people and drive them out of their houses. The Puppet Masters remain the same.

After seeing that their lies may not hold true many social media posts were deleted and seeing that their stories will not go far, they seem to be evacuating Youth Centre.

Whenever any action with regards to the lands of Auroville has ensued so far in decades, it is seen that these gangs of Aurovilians, lean to the falsehood of greenery, forestry, and environmental impact. None of the so-called endangered species of plants as cited in articles have permission from the environment department and none of the construction of lakes has ever had an environmental assessment. Smuggling plants into our sacred lands which don’t belong to them and planting them with rosy pictures does not claim any form of ownership. Pitchandikulam Forest ( a unit of Auroville ) pioneer in landscaping and shifting endangered species of plants over miles within a short span, but when it comes to relocating these species on Crown Way, their skills are ignored. Aurovilians also sell produces from the lands of Auroville which is largely unchecked and monies go into personal pockets. Auroville Farm Group & Green Practices pride in sustainability, although have members who have unduly enriched themselves without any accounting or due process of law and administration, blinding the residents of Auroville and the Government bodies. A Central Vigilance Complaint of the same is pending for long with concerned offices.

The think-tank of Auroville propaganda, Auroville Outreachmedia which twists such propaganda and statements, is fooling the youth to support their cause, which is alas “causeless”

The following are the eye revealing facts leading up to the above fake protests streaming out in the public domain, as a coordinated attack :

Auroville has always collected donations from the world stating confirmation of the Masterplan, fighting encroachments which is mostly selfly mitigated. The public was never made aware that Aurovilians are fighting with 2 or more versions of the Masterplan, purposely. By keeping it at a moot point, many illegal developers, land mafia criminal gangs, and political outfits have benefitted of which the puppet masters are the pioneers of Auroville in cahoots with gang members in Auroville Land Board & Working Committee. Masterplan of Roger Anger has been in public knowledge for not less than 30 years based on Mother's approved concept called the Galaxy concept. Mother always talked about a City that the Earth Needs - not a Forest for few people for their escapades. These donations were used for funding the personal assets and their unchecked lifestyle of "free for all" completely against the Charter of Auroville. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular, but in their version “it belongs to them”

It is seen that since the historical fights between trustees of Auroville in 1976, and the enactment of the Auroville Foundation Act, many sections of the Act were purposely avoided as many personal motives were in place. These fights over unregularised lands have taken the lives of many over the years in the entire area. These facts were never told to anyone whether international or national donors.

The self-appointed spokesperson of Resident Assembly, Smt. Mita Radhakrishnan who had called for a general meeting against transparency and ethics had constructed a house on the Crown Way, deliberately. According to our sources, she had also given an undertaking to the Housing Service at that time that she would vacate when Crown Way is laid. Now, however, she is one of the personalities spearheading this movement.

The Youth Centre is filled with youth who are devoid of any ethics, conscience, or soul. Youth Centre is a hub for illegal parties and narcotics, attracting many from across the world, for stranger reasons in the name of “being above law”. The Pioneers & some members in the Working Committee help them “have their fun” while in return these misguided youth support them with slogans of “Auroville is above Law”. Here is a video of parties in Auroville with narcotics, which also features Youth Centre. It is but an issue if the Crown Road passes right next door, their “freedom” would cease.

The Secretary had over 40 meetings with the Youth Centre and Working committee on the Right of Way and laying of the Crown Road. She addressed every issue in detail with the residents and they had also confirmed that they had no objection. She also met villagers and did the thorough groundwork. The Town Development Council had informed the Residents of clearing the Crown Way on the 15th of August 2021. After patience, perseverance, and delay of 3 months, the JCBs as informed, came to do their duties. The Auroville Foundation had also informed the DSP of Kottakuppam on the volatile situation created by residents.

The newly appointed Governing Board of Auroville has done thorough studies of the functionality of Working Groups and has addressed many teething issues for the City of Dawn. They have cited in the 57th Minutes of Meeting of the Governing Board:

Culture of “stakeholders” seems to have replaced the culture of “voluntary contributors” / “willing servitors”
Master Plan right-of-ways (the Crown, radials, outer ring and international zone loop, etc.) have not been cleared, resulting in haphazard infrastructure development at high installation and maintenance costs.

This also includes free housing, proper stewardship, and many issues which the larger residents face due to favoritism and politics of the same criminals who run the Working Groups have been addressed. With regards to the Masterplan the Governing Board also cited the importance of stopping haphazard encroachments, implementation of NTDA in consultation with state authorities. Attached, the entire minutes:

Many Aurovilians have poured support for laying the foundations of the Mother’s Dream:

"I was present yesterday from 8 am to 1 pm following the events around the clearing of the Crown near Youth Center in Bliss Forest. My take is that if someone feels like protesting it is his/her right but sitting on JCBs and preventing the workers to work was a step too far, if someone wants to protest, his/her place is on the other side of the road with cardboards but letting the workers work.

It is beyond comprehension for me, after the visit of GB (and reading the minutes of the meeting) and seeing the Secretary’s actions that we are not more welcoming of the help of the Government of India, what a bunch of spoiled and entitled brats we are!

Mahalakshmi and Mahakali have descended into Town and we better not miss that opportunity! So dear members of ATDC and WC, hold-the-line, keep up the good work, days of great change and progress are ahead!"

" That was sheer violence yesterday morning, not at Lilaloka gate by the JCB, but by the mob, spitting, shouting, insulting, physically blocking. Also aggression was displayed by many in SAWCHU, directed mainly against Anu and Srimoyi, who stood their ground and kept their poise like warriors, but also generally against the few present representing the rest of the community who are fed up with being aggressed, who are working, and who just want the work to go on without it being interrupted and aggressed by a mob each time. "

Whereas the hooligans of Auroville continued hate speech, threats and abuses.

The aforesaid infamous pioneer Frederick Schulze Buxloh had called for a protest, meeting, planning against legitimate actions of the Government with regards to the Masterplan & the Crown Way. Ironically, he was one of the members who confirmed the Right of Way to lay the Crown Road on 5th June 2012 ( Letter attached )

Other personalities who were working in the background giving out fake press releases were Hemant Lamba & Sauro Mezetti ( Working Committee ) who have been alleged to swindle donations, support land mafia encroachments, suppress / fool / purchase media, censor & spread false information to the residents. They were also supported by architect Smt. Suhasini Ayer, who has been alleged to hike construction bills and misuse public funds for personal escapades. Seeing the implementation of a transparent accounting system and apt officers in the right positions, reducing the role of the FAMC, they have a lot to lose. Articles & documents substantiating allegations on these individuals:

For transparency the need of hour is a forensic audit on activities of Auroville Outreachmedia, Auroville Land Board, Auroville Unity Fund, GOI grant group, FAMC and other groups funding such activities.

The modus operandi of cover-up and lobby of criminal Aurovilians ( 15-20 individuals who have suppressed the Resident Assembly) since decades, remain the same:

  1. Spread False News, Gossip & Propaganda

  2. Threatening / Transferring Bureaucrats & Police with “International Media Outcry”

  3. Spreading hyperbole stories to Embassies & Consul Generals, hiding facts.

  4. Falsely accusing crimes on public officers after stopping them from doing their duties.

  5. Working in tandem with political parties and their media houses for personal benefits.

  6. Misguiding public, donors, volunteers, aspirants, and aurovilians.

  7. Sinister activities of sacrilege against the Mother & Sri Aurobindo, while using their profound teachings as a shield for their personal motives.

The immense unchecked power given to such Aurovilians, in the name of "Freedom & Autonomy" has cost the project dearly, not only bleeding donations and the public, but eroding the entire ethos of the project.


Facebook & Instagram: AurovilleFilesIndia

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