Post the change in management and promises of a better future in 2023, let us look at how a member of Auroville Working Committee duped a Norwegian NGO. D Selvaraj is alleged to have diverted and duped a foreign donor under the disguise of holding assets in our country, assuring them to be a benami. Auroville Village Action Trust added him as trustee post the scam was exposed in October 2010. It is also notable to see that not only was no criminal action initiated on the aforesaid Aurovilian, he is now part of the Working Committee under the Auroville Foundation, giving undue favours for himself and his family by putting them in key positions. Actually, both groups seem to be working in tandem behind closed doors to justify benami properties and ill-gained wealth, without any public investigation to protect and legitimise wealth sought through dubious undue enrichment. They call it 'internal matter', meaning after donations go into Auroville there is no answerability to the public.
It is the duty of Auroville Foundation to take suo-moto cognisance on matters of law of land, as per the duties enshrined upon them under the Civil Services & Auroville Foundation Act.
Let us look at the Annexures thereof:

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