This is factual assimilation of all information and research from 1976 to date. The story of the birth of the land mafia in and around Auroville, how certain Aurovilians protect Land Encroachers and nurture them currently are as follows:
After the demise of the Mirra Alfassa (The Mother) on 17th November 1973, there was unrest between the Sri Aurobindo Society (SAS) and Rebel Aurovilians. Foreigner Aurovilians were against the Indians in Sri Aurobindo Society and the foreigners also suffered, with an acute shortage of food and clothing. Since the Rebels needed to take possession of the Lands of SAS which was in possession of The SAS Ashramities at that time, dubious methods were employed. From sources it can be seen that since the Rebel Aurovilians did not have the financial resources to evict the SAS from the lands of Auroville they employed the local villagers to do their dirty work and seemingly in return gave the same lands as remuneration.
Various FIRs were filed by the Tamilnadu State Police during the time of 1975-1988 but later were closed down due to some seemingly undue pressure. It seems that the then Congress Government extended fullest support to this takeover – and instilled a parallel economy for seemingly money laundering and backtracking of black money. When the Parliament passed the Auroville Foundation Act it was vetted thoroughly and proper sections were in place as per law as one Government cannot unilaterally make this takeover seem legitimate without being fair in the Act. Although all lands as per the Act were vested to the Central Government, physical possession was with the villagers employed by the Rebel Aurovilians. As such the Ordinance passed to take over the lands was improper and all lands of SAS although on paper is with Auroville Foundation, the physical possession is with someone else. Please also take note that these lands were given to Auroville without any compensation to the SAS. The Rebel Aurovilians circumvented law and system with seemingly being helped by the Government in power at that time.
As seen the Mafia of Land Encroachments have now grown to a thriving business in Auroville, surrounding villages and Puducherry and their tentacles extend to politicians and people in power in state and center. They encroach lands of Auroville hand in gloves with some Aurovilians and according to a report of an Aurovilian around 78 Original Sales Deeds are missing from their archives. Sec 3 & Sec 4 of Auroville Foundation Act was never enforced and in fact attempts are made by some members in Land Board to fabricate documents and push matters under the carpet. Sec 4 (2) was included in the Auroville Foundation Act as there was gross violation of land management. It states that any EC, State Decree or Injunction pass even by a court that stops Auroville from taking over the lands of SAS before 1988 stands null and void. Although yet it is seen that Auroville Land Board and some other members rely on such documents. Everyone in Auroville and Puducherry knows that fabricated old documents and stamp papers are for sale. This is the reason why Auroville does not act on Land Encroachment as allegedly they are the reasons why they exist and work in collusion.
Future ?
As everyone knows the area of Puducherry, Villages around Auroville and Auroville are riddled with crimes, violence, and murders of people in the middle of the road. This is because of the thriving mafia of Land and Economics. This cancer has been growing and more it is let to grow the more it emboldens the mafia and the Corrupt Aurovilians that they can be judge, jury and executioner and rampant crimes will continue without any fear of Law & Government for vested interests and motives.
Will the Current Government now completely updated of the facts Act and protect Auroville & Puducherry ?
· The above is the reason some Aurovilians are against NTDA because it means all land survey needs to happen and all such lands and their physical possession with the encroachers will surface. They give excuses about Master Plan, but the Master Plan itself was modified again and again by these Aurovilians to hide this fact keeping the community blinded.
· This is the reason some Aurovilians in power evade sec 3 & 4 with untenable excuses of Autonomy and Self Governance. Self-Governance for crimes and murders at the expense of National Security cannot be allowed on Indian soil. Where do the materials for bombs come to the Mafia without support of some seeming terror groups? If there is a parallel economy any terror group can fund anyone through the Auroville channels. This is why these same Aurovilians push for self autonomy and cover-up in hopes that one day they can persuade the Government and Parliament of India for Complete Autonomy so their crimes go unchecked and business goes as usual.
· This is why there was so much uproar on the National Highway through Auroville because such an act by NHAI will inevitably unearth all the misdoings of Land – to cover this up stories of Auroville Green Forests being cut down was spun to keep public, residents of Auroville and Government blinded. Hence Auroville avoids Land Audit – the Government should kindly take note of this
· It is also seen in our records the some long term Aurovilians who fought the SAS for The Mother themselves are against the Charter of Auroville by holding private properties across India and are alleged to embezzle crores of money of Auroville and have invested them in shares, debentures and mutual funds.
The above is factual information and records gathered through research and only solving this will give spiritual justice to Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
By solving this the government and residents will also curb all crimes and mafia in Tamilnadu & Puducherry in these areas and make the entire area safe for villagers, residents of Auroville & Puducherry and Tourists
Men corrupt even Spiritual Guru's teachings for money, power & greed.
Auroville is controlled by corrupt few allegedly involved in these dubious dealings marring the entirety of Auroville and this clearly cannot be solved by any internal committee setup by residents without help of the Government
Disclaimer : We do not support BJP nor Congress nor SAS - This is just a factual research of current states of lands in Auroville
- The Auroville Files
