The Auroville Files: Expose' of hidden documents
The link given below is the interim report made by some Aurovilians with vested interests sent to the Ministry of Education without the knowledge of the Resident Assembly of Auroville. Through our resources and informants, this report came to us. Astonished by the blunt violations of law and principles of Auroville, and sugar coating it with some bogus justifications in the report, we sent the report ethically to the Resident Assembly and our view on the same to the Ministry of Education & The Ministry of Home Affairs.
Since this report was to be placed in front of the Governing board ( as decided in their meeting ) before sending it to the Ministry, this itself is illegal and unethical. Furthermore, the Resident Assembly also asked that it be placed it front of them. Yet, do read to understand the functioning of Auroville and how genuine government reports are manipulated.
Link to report:
We do understand that due to the lockdown and the pandemic, the Ministry of Education has delayed action by Central agencies, although one wonders for how long when the Enquiry committee report stated that the decision is to be taken at the "earliest" more than a year ago? A request to all our readers to go through the report made by this self-appointed committee and ask as to why The Government of India has not yet initiated action by Central agencies? In fact, the report itself is more than sufficient to call for a thorough investigation. Piecing all together one wonders the appalling state of law and governance in our nation from 1976 till date.
The Government of India has stated categorically time and again that they wish to restore the spiritual legacy of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother. The UNESCO Director had stated that they support Auroville for the principles for which it was founded, and stated that law is the matter of the Government of India. Then why has the Modi Government not yet set things in motion to bring Auroville on the right course? Not only has the Governing Board not been elected but also the accused officer in the report has been made Acting Secretary of the Auroville Foundation. He further, does not cooperate in replies in RTIs, neither to other government bodies nor to the Resident Assembly.
The accused officer also in the meanwhile published a gazette allowing Aurovilians to purchase land (opposite to The Mother's Ideals) without knowledge of the Resident Assembly and the World. This is how beautiful cover-ups are engineered in our nation.
The people of the world need to know...
Interim Report: In response to Enquiry Committee report:
Enquiry Committee Report:
