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Writer's picture: The Auroville FilesThe Auroville Files

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

The Biggest Hoax so Far in the History of India: KASHMIR IN SOUTH INDIA : AUROVILLE


This article is in brevity of the subject and we shall explain in simple words and hopefully all readers read everything threadbare line by line till the end to understand,

This topic covers Trademarking / Wordmarking Auroville, Vatican in India / Kashmir in the making policies which are against the Charter of Auroville| and The Mother Said so…

Policies against all Human Rights of People in Auroville, New Comers, Volunteers, Aurovilians, Pubic, Tourists, Exploring Auroville and Villagers are being passed to cover their hidden agenda of making Auroville the next stronghold of Anti-India and Anti-Auroville world movement.

When you Uproot a Network from its roots what follows ? Happiness and Prosperity of Auroville. Let us explain the lopsided policies by the Corrupt Aurovilians and Government Officers in this article in a gist. Hence the Petitioner stated “System of Corruption should be eradicated first and foremost” for which a Government Officer said “Chahe BJP ho ya Congress ho – system of Corruption kabhi nahin badlega” We decided to get into an in-depth investigation to uproot the entire system which is not letting Auroville reach its predestined goal to be a City of Dawn. The policies passed by the corrupt individuals are against the ethos of Auroville itself. It shows that they have been fooling everyone so far.

Intellectual Property Rights of Auroville Hoax : (Business Proposition – against The Charter of The Mother since it has to be for Auroville Community not Personal Profit of Beneficiaries )

Let us write this article in simple words for our readers to follow. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular – It belongs to humanity as a whole. “Auroville Foundation” can be wordmarked not “Auroville” since we cannot contain Spirituality in a Geography. This is being pursued by few including Auroville lawyers who make tons of money wasting Auroville resources without accounting hidden from the Residents of Auroville. It is also seen that they have no expertise in law or charter or ethics itself ( Seeing how one lawyer threatened a foreigner whistleblower ). They are wasting the time of the judiciary at the expense of the funds of Auroville fooling residents and busy making money for themselves. The hidden agenda behind this is but crystal clear:

Various Cases have been filed in courts by the Under Secretary who is Acting Secretary under anticipatory bail for Wordmark violations of Construction Builders like Ramaniyam in Chennai for using name of Auroville. He has also filed cases against other Government Offices regarding IP violations. Various cases which can be found out in the Madras High Court website by searching “Auroville Foundation”. On ground various resort owners, restaurants and small shops in the area around the Green Belt who use the name Auroville are being harassed by the Corrupt few. Not forgetting, that all villages surrounding Auroville have one post office i.e. Auroville Post Office. It is but obvious that they have to use it for purposes of postal address. This was enforced on Mango Hill, Purple Resort, Temple Tree and others as well making them change it to “Near Auroville”. Anyone can use the name Auroville, why not have signs on Auroville units “An Official unit of Auroville Foundation” instead and solve the matter without just games to bleed Auroville economy.

We also heard that policies are being manipulated by the Auroville Management so that Mango Hill does not get an official liquor permit in his luxurious beautiful property. State Governments not knowing what manipulations are being done by the Auroville Management helps in curtailing the basic rights of citizens around the master plan with licensing, notices for harassment, cutting power supply and much more. Whereas they tell the Government officers that the Mother said “No Liquor in Auroville” inside they are knowingly allowing parties with Liquor, Cocaine, LSD and Ayahuasca rituals. Surely Sri Aurobindo & the Mother never said that also and if she said so we have no issues with it as long as it is regularized – which should be extended to all citizens in India under Article 14 of the Constitution of India

Intellectual Property laws also state that an area, township, city cannot be wordmarked and they say “they are township in the making” without approval from Tamilnadu Government. So nonetheless they cannot wordmark Auroville whether they get approval or not. Why the Under Secretary & The Chairman are in pursuit of this Divine Project with Anti-Divine policies wasting public money is best known to them. Maybe they are working on this Human Experimentation as allegedly taught by the Mother for Supramental Beings. Seeing the state so far none have attained Supramental Consciousness it seems. RTI has yet not been responded to and the world is curious to know who is the Supramental Guru of Auroville?

No Police in Auroville and Law & Order issues in Tamilnadu & Puducherry | We call Auroville a French Colony as a slang, that does not mean it is one

The Mother said “No Police in Auroville” but Mother never said do not follow the Laws of the Land. (corrected due to type error) Purposely they have made one so called Auroville Security with batons and sticks (some retried athletes) who will fight mafia with bombs, machete and gangs in numbers. Interesting how they achieve this humongous task showing their failure to protect their own lands and people. They cannot and do not monitor anything that happens in Auroville as seen by the recent incident in Well Café and many other molestation, rapes, pedophilia and murder cases. The Auroville Police station is purposely kept under staffed so they cannot function properly like in other cities as stated to us by a Senior Police Officer. Hence Law & Order issues are rampant in that area for 4 decades…

The Government offices should wake up and read the Charter first – since we should not contain spirituality in a geography and the beautiful core of the project should be known to all for a change in consciousness – We have all the documents for the solutions of better Governance in the area.

Hence we state categorically it is “Kashmir in the Making” and Bureaucrats and Government officers thinking that it is an Ashram, pass lopsided policies without reading the charter for 4 decades.

The Petitioner is an outsider and an insider and he is Friends of Auroville (Category B in Auroville) lived and worked in Auroville for 6 years. Auroville Management is not in pursuit of any Spiritual Science reminding readers that it is a statutory body under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD supported by the UNESCO passed in a Parliamentary Act. Auroville Management and Policies are being twisted against laws of the Constitution of India and Charter of the Mother against Aurovilians themselves without their knowledge – The perpetrators of these politics over 4 decades are the reason for this mass corruption in Auroville so far and such miles of derailment from its Original Charter. They have made it into a Conglomerate Corporation with no Ethical Teachings nor Growth nor Human Unity no Human Justice no Education no Health Care for its own citizens. They have been breeding Sub-Humans without any intelligence, education (which we will explain when mother said “existing faculties”) knowledge and who live in fear so that they have a workforce of sheep, while the shepherds fool the Government of India, UNESCO, Auroville International, Public and the Residents of Auroville themselves showing beautiful videos, pictures and poor children (who they rape) and keep them purposely poor for donations.

Subhuman Race :

Donations are not used for the purposes for which it has been taken and it can be seen clearly that if the world has supported Auroville for 4 decades with donations and such policies the development of the villages and Auroville itself would be Utopian by now. Hence they do not have 50000 residents so far, because the majority of the Aurovilians are sheep and do work without any interest, have no self-discipline since they pay for their stay, food, clothing and shelter and work for free. How can you expect any kind of great research, art or music coming out of Auroville if Majority of the Aurovilians do their work disinterestedly as it is not rewarding. Not only financially - Rewards can also be given with kind Words and Motivation- That itself is missing in most units who think that they are doing a Favor to the Volunteers and New Comers. This is the Human Experiment of Aurovile which has been seemingly played by the Hon. Chairman, Dr. Karan Singh, preceded by Dr. Kireet Joshi who joined hands with some Auro “villains” who are the same to keep Auroville in this condition. These Aurovilians are not allowing Auroville to prosper – they have not only hijacked the Dream, They have destroyed it completely.

BJP & Congress & Auroville – The Mystery War & Solutions Unveil

This above being said we are not against True Autonomy as envisioned by the Mother. This is the reason why Auroville residents and people are brainwashed with anti-BJP sentiments. BJP has various scholars of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and they are well aware of what we are stating. Congress dilutes Auroville into a Business, BJP does not take harsh action thinking it will have an international uproar – who suffers? Aurovilians, Residents, Public, New Comers, Aspirants, Auroville itself suffers – it is a shame to all if Auroville is let to run like this…Now they say we are BJP people trying to take over Auroville – whereas they do not understand that we are merely explaining everyone irrespective of politics, the facts. The Public Interest Litigation is for Auroville – read the fine print. Volumes of documents are usually summarized in one line. We are against misuse of autonomy not autonomy. This is why most and all Aurovilians are anti-BJP since they feel that Fredrick only “won” autonomy for Auroville with the help of Congress. Was it for a good reason is a question to be asked? Also, why the Residents love Fredrick is because of the hippie movement of 1970s – most of Aurovilians are hippies and they feel BJP is strict and saffron flagged – We are neutral – We are Bohemian Hippies with law and discipline.

See the mess created by this autonomy without governance and seemingly supported by Hon. Chairman? Without Corruption - Auroville will blossom with human unity, love and happiness – The same beautiful dream of Auroville that we all cling onto, but “WE” are not able to realize it due to deep rooted corruption from 1975. Francois Gautier is seen to play some politics to retain Autonomy, but his hidden agenda we are clueless off. If he had good intentions for Auroville he should have had a change in Consciousness. Leave politics and work for Auroville, or stay away from Auroville. He is worshipped by all thinking he is stopping the tyranny of law – whereas he is seemingly furthering his own agenda and people. Hence Entry Service favors such people against The Charter of Auroville, whereas enforces this on other Aurovilian Citizens – clear abuse of power. Law is not bad – Misuse of Law is bad – and only the Corrupt are misusing it against all whether inside residents or outside. This is why FRRO faces so many issues and are not able to track activities in Auroville, since law itself is not there. C forms were not enforced for 4 decades and now after our complaints only 2 years ago C Forms are started to emerge in guest houses, although the FRRO is not aware of so many hidden huts, tree houses, containers which can also hide anti-social elements. We will officially guide the FRRO to all such places and assist them if necessary.

Hence our voice is fierce, because all are destroying the legacy of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother and like us there are millions of voices across the world who want the Truth and the City of Dawn to shine to its glory, removing the obstacles.

It is KASHMIR IN THE MAKING currently but against the Charter of Auroville and needs to be addressed immediately during the emergency of COVID 19 as it is of National and International importance and will bring forth peace, harmony, love, care, human equality, abolishing racism, corruption, violence, politics and then Mother’s True Auroville will prosper. There is much more to the above – this is just a summary…

At the feet of The Mother…

The Auroville Files

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1 Comment

Apologies. This was written by a friend. I would state that mother did say no police in Auroville but she meant when all residents are Supramental which is not the case. Then they also have a lot of scuffle with outsiders, hence they are not able to manage currently and need the assistance of police to set things in order first.

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