This article is to give complete insights into the functioning of a working body in Auroville called "Land Board" Their responsibility is to administer, purchase and protect lands of Auroville and they have failed miserably so far with the following allegations surfacing :
a) Members of Land Board (a public office in Auroville Foundation framework - a statutory body under Ministry of HRD) have their own personal assets in and around Auroville. Owning private property is against the principles of Auroville and source of funds is not traceable. As a public office any member should as per law declare their assets.
b) It is alleged in various cases that Land Board has given Auroville Lands to be encroached by their relatives and friends. Out of around 4000 acres of land which was given free of cost to Auroville, around 500 -1000 acres have been encroached with absolutely no action from the Land Board. Why has India chosen to squander lands to Auroville when they cannot protect their lands and in fact collude with the Land Encroachers? This is why Land Mafia and crimes are prevalent in and around Auroville.
c) It is also alleged that fabricated documents are made to change the patta and registration records.
d) Land Board has not done a Land Surveyor audit since 1988 allegedly purposely and dubiously so that encroached lands and their shady deals do not surface. It is also alleged that the nexus also continues to the Thasildar, Land Registrar and others.
e) Land Board members have been alleged to use brokers for land purchases against a standing order not to use brokers for kickbacks.
f) There is absolutely no accounting system in place to administer the funds by the GOI grants and donations for Land Board.
g) Land Board is also alleged to have colluded and attacked people through villagers and mafia.
h) Auroville calls itself a township although does not have NTDA approval yet. Donations are taken from donors selling this and as such is punishable u/s 420 of the Indian Penal Code.
This entire nexus of Land Board of Auroville works in collusion with Foreigners and Indians which dates back to 1976 during the handover of lands by the Sri Aurobindo Society to Auroville. The Indians who work in Land Board are alleged to collude, help and protect Land Encroachers. The Residents of Auroville mostly do not know law of the land as they come from other countries, the ones who speak up are in threat of the Land Mafia in Auroville and various murders and attacks have taken place for years.
This is the entire system of the Land Corruption and et after 2 years of the allegations sent to the Resident Assembly, the Land Board has not stepped down and has been putting roadblocks to not allow the Governing Board to do their duties to protect lands.

Our friend Mr.VikramRam escaped near-death through direct and indirect actions by Land Board members who still do not have answers, neither have responsibility to protect lands of Auroville (Govt of India) by Land Encroachers.
More on this as we follow the story...