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Operations of Land Mafia & Aurovilians Exposed | Aurovilians Report

Writer's picture: The Auroville FilesThe Auroville Files

Operations of Land Mafia & Aurovilians - Aurovilians Report

Why should the public of the world fund to Art for Land and other Donation campaigns for Auroville when Aurovilians are alleged to be working hand in gloves with the mafia ? Directly or Indirectly it is alleged that land mafia is backed by Foreigner Aurovilians hiding behind falsehood of autonomy and self governance.

Government of India kindly take note on the seriousness of these microbes affecting law and order in and around Auroville in Tamilnadu & Puducherry

Lawyer of Auroville and TDC Member of Auroville state the following :

***We do not hold any responsibility of language and expression of third party letters. Our investigations are parallel to these - Names have been hidden for the safety of the whistle-blowers and torch bearers of truth***



Mon, Mar 16, 2020, 13:05

Dear Working committee & FAMC,

You are aware of the gross malpractices of landboard that could invite severe legal consequences, which i tried to correct internally within the group as a member and later i had brought to your notice for internal corrective action, since the rest of the team ignored my legal reasoning  and suggestions. In the meanwhile,  i am given to understand that the landboard members B***, R***, Y***, H***** and R******* have decided to remove me from the team without any discussion with me.

I am surprised at their decision since I was selected by the residents and a few members decided to remove disregarding  the community or residents assembly, as i didn't confirm to their malpractices. I need a confirmation from the working committee and famc if it was  discussed and decided in concurrence with you or was arbitrarily decided by them.

In any which case, please note my official resignation with my declaration on record that I was not an accomplice to the malpractices of current members ways, disregarding the legal mandates and that time and again I  insisted on the need for internal protocols on the financial management of funds, Grants and donations in landboard and the land administration and involvement of sitting members in land encroachment and utilization of funds for personal benefits. I must say here that I was quite appalled at the insincerity and ingratitude of certain members towards donors. Hence, checks and balances are highly inevitable and necessary even in a group that functions on donations and self-regulation.

As a responsible and honest resident with all integrity only to the Mother,  Sri Aurobindo and Auroville (refusing to subject my integrity to individuals in the group upon fear or favour), I also insist that a full fledged estate office with technically qualified  people, must be established for land administration and management and the landboard to be dissolved to avoid future embarrassment to Auroville with internal forensic investigative audit on the accounts and land management audit on encroachment and land protection and land administration.

With this i would like to quote Sri Aurobindo, although, even Sri. Aurobindo's quotes may definitely be found offensive by people, in the current situation.

"We should be absolutely unsparing in our attack on whatever obstructs the growth of the nation, and never be afraid to call a spade a spade…Respect of persons must always give place to truth and conscience…We have strong things to say: let us say them strongly; we have stern things to do; let us do them sternly” - Sri Aurobindo I remain sincere only to the Divine Mother. J******* S********



Thu, 5 Mar 2020, 23:34

Dear WC & FAMC,

I read the below email today and it was brought to my notice that the landboard members have deliberately indulged in community shaming, defaming me,  linking me to this email. Since I had been away from work with a physical ailment from Monday I wasn't immediately aware of the contents of the below email.  Hence,  this delay in bringing this email to your notice,  confirming most of the contents as true and factually & materially correct.Therefore,  I, as a resident and fellow member of landboard insist that corrective action be taken. Accusing me is not going to hide the truth that is there for us to see.

As you may be aware,  I had time and again,  brought to your notice certain irregular practices of current land board members for corrective actions and in that background some contents of this email are factually true, (which I am ready to testify with corroborating evidences available on record) that needs your immediate attention and corrective action, as parent group responsible for land board decisions, (which is a sub group under Famc) and within the purview of the working committee under the AVF act.

I put it on record here that I had  always expressed my concerns about certain practices of land board that are unhealthy for Auroville and duly brought it to your attention as well. While so,  accusing me and defaming me to cover up their mistakes will not be tolerated.

Please note that I have not violated the group integrity as a member,  rather striving hard to protect the integrity of Auroville, as a resident and a responsible legal practitioner, being able to weigh the pros and cons. In the light of the above,  I insist that the WC and Famc consider this email seriously to reinforce corrective actions and do an internal forensic audit of landboard transactions.

I reiterate that my email is well within the integrity of the charter of the mother and AVF act and my conscience & personal integrity and that I will not tolerate any personal accusations, rather I insist that they clean their own conscience. I neither intend to be a whistle blower nor a revolutionary, but an accountable member,  being unable to join hands with majority members wrong actions in landboard, who believes that accountability and liability of LB decisions lies only with the WC and AVF.  I find it fundamentally wrong.





16 Mar 2020 / 12:13 pm : AURONET

My journey with L’Avenir d'Auroville / TDC started in August 2019 as an “Interface member”. Considering myself as an apprentice, reckoning the responsibility of participating in planning and learning the structure and function of TDC. In three months’ time. 2 people have left TDC and left with 3 members. Witnessed creation of various “Technical cells” to undertake various aspects of “planning”. The selections of members for these technical cells were unknown !?. The nature of this “Technical cell’s” members may include, some technical personals, project implementer, lobbyist, vested interest parties, “friends”, friends with benefits and some random members who are easy to work with. Throughout the seasons the important key words that props up in every chin wagging session is “No Clarity” yet everything floated business-as-usual.

In front of the GB, it sounded all rosey because the presentation was crafty! Lack of a detailed development plan has led the clan to implement the project's perspective plan. Repercussions of the past practices, the numbers started screaming and the grants started freezing. Alarm bell rang: “Allocated grants required justifications for the utilisations”. Nothing was in place and things continued in that phase. Decisions were condescending in nature and biased, hidden behind the loops of unclarity and incompetence. Conflict of interest policy was undermined, cartel lobby mowed things to shambles and become like a private entity rather than a community body. Reluctance in informing the community and it is considered as “opening a can of worms”.

When kitty had zilch, every working group and community letdown the TDC, literally begging the “un-working groups” to pay the maintenance and salary. Strategies were played to erase the institutional memory. A notion was propagated that AV don't have any competent experts, hired and outside consultants were the solutions.

At GB the outcry was. “Where is this Mythical city” “Mysterious Selection process” . The initial zeal of the GB to participate in un-working groups has faded away. There is a MHRD Standing Order. guide to constitute the TDC under FA. if some intended to challenge it, we will lose our Immunity. Perhaps that's why TDC was left out in the selection process ?!

The present TDC, structure and functions is not an appropriate model, its failure model, cannot be patched with few more members and pretend... It's a team of many “Technical cells” And use the interface team as a signatory for all the shenanigans. Selecting members at this moment without community participation is not the way forward. The Structural and functional change need to be in place otherwise shenanigans will perpetuate. No need Resource person when the whole thing is not working. Personals should stop proxy communication using Avenir email and interface member signature. - arrête ça.

One of the fundamental exercises to build “a city” is to change the land use category. With this exercise, arable lands can be converted to development lands and with this land classification we can apply and work out a Statutory status for the green belt and master plan zones under TN government. This mapping initiative is nearing completion. With the help of a regional planning cell.

The top priorities are:

Water: IN the current volatile and erratic climate, conservation of water is inevitable. We have to undertake a massive level water governance program for next 3 years, if we miss, our future will be bleak. Deepening and expanding our brooks and creeks to increase water catchment surface. We have to expand our vision beyond masterplan. Irumbi Tank catchment needs to be restored. This can only be our choice given the population that depends on this aquifer.

MAster plan: Our master plan expires in 2025. Some way or other we have passed 50 years. But it's time to revive ourselves and review our masterplan for the future water context. Along with the next 5 year detailed development planning perspective is needed.

No Funds: we cannot run TDC with the present condition where no funds. BCC and HRT have to allocate 10-15 maintenance for the next financial year. We need to fundraise for other expenses.

Housing crisies : Inertia and attitude needs to change.

Shite : There is no more place to dump the Shite that generated in the “city” load of rubbish is in the mix. It stinks up to north. Everyone's responsibility: We need a proper system in place.

i rest this here to the community...




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