Power Corridor, The Illegal Party & Arrest Case Study - The Auroville Files
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“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” ― Sigmund Freud
Responsibility in Auroville is Extinct
Working Committee should resign and be removed from Auroville Master List
The Auroville Files are widely seen as repulsive, aggressive and baffling to many including friends, Aurovilians and The Power Corridor. We have been alleging that the Power Corridor and the Working Committee have been nurturing a Tree of Corruption which is uprooting the ethos of Auroville. They have purposely kept a lawless land to hide their crimes and actions to destroy Auroville – whereas they allow normal Aurovilians to conduct minor crimes for survival, they also bring back to hand an assurance that the bigger crimes done by them are not asked questions for by nonparticipation or compromise. This is how the Resident Assembly of Auroville has been kept powerless, divided and dysfunctional. Whereas the Power Corridor has been allowing small visa defalcations, parties etc unchecked we have alleged that they do so clandestinely with the corrupt to keep their crimes hidden. Whilst seemingly to rescue all visa defaulters, the bigger ones are also forgiven and this is something which the Ministry of Home Affairs should take note of as stated in our previous letters to them.
The French Aurovilian (party organizer) who was arrested by the State police for assaulting a Korean Woman could’ve been averted by the Working Committee and Auroville Foundation Office. To shed some light into this these are the chronology of events:
21st February 2020: Well Café announces their parties again
22nd February 2020: Mr. VikramRam asks for the licenses of these parties from the Auroville Foundation Office, Working Committee, Ministry of Human Resource Development, The Governing Board and The Hon. Chairman
22nd February 2020: Party goes on unabated without licenses clearly showing the world the allegations in the complaints given by us are true. The Complainant also asks for the licenses of this party through RTI since the Hon. Under Secretary said that Auroville follows the law in previous RTIs. We have seen sometimes our Hon. Under Secretary is also not clear about the law.
Ensuing, we came to know that the party Organizer has assaulted a Korean Aurovilian woman and the Working Committee has asked her to file a police complaint. Regulating Parties and ensuring that Auroville follows law of the land is the responsibility of the Working Committee whether the law is Licenses, FCRA, IT, Anti-Corruption Act, Donation Fraud, Land Mafia Gang-related activities or any other Act under the Constitution of India. Licenses for parties are also the law in this vast ocean of legal books and acts, whether it is small a crime or larger in nature. The Principles of Auroville also go hand in hand with the law of the land. Sri Aurobindo was a social reformist and his suggestions on legislature are incorporated in the Constitution of India itself – this is a vast subject to cover which the reader themselves can research and find out. The vision of Auroville is parallel with the Auroville Foundation Act and this is where spirituality and legality joined together. Meaning, the principles of Auroville and Law of the Land are the same. Our cause was to ensure that Working Committee works and does not allow illegal activities to ensue, results of these micro-level crimes result in macro-level mishaps and cover-ups. Let us explain – For a regulated party, if all licenses are sought- this also gets the protection of the law during such an event or gathering or else it is an illegal rave party. Meaning, the police ensure that all are safe and protected. Our Auroville Security usually sleeps after yoga at 7 pm and are ill-equipped to provide security to all tourists and women who go back home in the dark lanes of Auroville. Since vibrations are bad for energy the Power Corridor ensures there's no communication in case of emergency as seen time and again. This has resulted in so many robberies, molestation and even rape cases some of which have been reported, some not and mostly suppressed by the Power Corridor stating “near Auroville” not “in Auroville”.
Our cause was to ensure that all are safe – we are not at all against enjoyment – enjoy but responsibly. We also closely know the activities of Svedame and we know both the Complainant and the Accused. Working Committee has been constantly failing to resolve this issue for decades and purposely. The Accused Resident wanted his Art studio and the small artisans to have space in Visitor’s Centre where the footfalls are higher. Since Svedame and Well Café are placed in one corner they are not able to sustain their business hence organize parties and festivals to sustain themselves. Please note the lives of a lot of Tamil ammas depend on Well Café and they heartily work empowering locals truly without donation fraud. They have been kept in this condition on purpose and since Visitor's Centre has a monopoly of the power corridor the small residents are not able to display their art and sell some to sustain their costly living in Auroville with full or half maintenance. In fact even Well Cafe should bring their Jewish cuisine to Visitor’s Centre so guests are able to taste the world in Auroville. The Resident of Svedame who has complaints on loud music and parties is also right since Auroville is a place of spirituality and not party and since Svedam is a residential community it is not right to bother a fellow resident. No Divine Anarchy holds true for such acts that do not care for its own people. Working Committee should’ve ideally given space to Well Café to have their products sold in Visitors Centre as a solution – we always wonder what has Maroma done so great that they have 20-sq meter space in Visitors Centre and the others have a stand of 1 sq meter? This means that if an Aurovilian has a trust and opens a museum for Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, which has nothing to do with Auroville, located in Pune, living in Delhi, he gets the maximum space in Visitor’s Centre? We wish Mr. Gautier preaches human unity in these small things first instead of abusing Hindus and Muslims and our leaders. Please notice that all the power corridor members have the maximum space, not only Maroma.
Nonetheless, if the party would’ve been regulated then the police would’ve been there and ensured music is not loud enough to disturb residents and also would’ve shut the music on their own at 10:30 pm. As such the incident of the resident closing the music and the altercation with his wife would’ve never risen – resulting in an Aurovilian going to jail and an Elder Aurovilian woman assaulted. Its painful for both and no matter what assault on a woman is a serious offense and the law will take its own course. This also shows the lawlessness in Auroville resulting in people being uncivilized thinking that autonomy and self-governance mean everything is forgiven.
Working Committee, Auroville Council, Auroville Foundation and the Hon. Chairman are responsible for this since the games of the power corridor have resulted in this unfortunate incident. It is not Mr.VikramRam, The Auroville Files nor is it the Party Organizer or the Victim. This is Divine’s theater show and it has shown everything to the world.
Games of the Power Corridor
The Light Giving Task Force on Mr. VikramRam’s complaints had given a clean chit to Well Café to organize parties and this emboldened the Party Organizer. The Working Committee knew very well that our aim is lawlessness and mis-governance. To divert the attention the Working Committee wrote to The Lady who was assaulted to file a complaint to the police authorities which could’ve been solved by themselves, but they would never allow the solutions which are bad for their own business and cause. We also know from our sources the Working Committee also assisted the State Police in the arrest but with a catch, which we will state later.
Then Working Committee called the Complainant to withdraw the FIR according to our sources and started harassing her instead of giving support – so first the lady who was assaulted has to go through the assault itself and then be harassed by the Working Committee ? The Power Corridor saw this opportunity to again tell the residents that see what happens? If you want clean Auroville you all will go to jail! Whereas they are only protecting themselves. For example, The Hindu is a newspaper that writes “near Auroville” seemingly because Auroville pays through MediaNet. This article was published stating all facts of assault and arrest but conveniently said “party organized in a café Near Auroville” it did not mention “party in Auroville” Because the word “party in Auroville” will raise questions on Working Committee and Auroville Foundation Office.
Now, the Power Corridor will have a showdown of how they are the ones who can save the poor accused and garner support against the cleanup of Auroville. At the same time the Accused and the Complainant, the assaulter and the assaulted are all collateral damage. The game of making the “Cover-Up Standard Operating Procedure” work falls into the hands of two individuals in the Working Committee who have a lot of monopoly business and have interests in the visitor’s center.
It should also be noted that the Working Committee flexes its muscles only on the poor residents not on others or themselves. Let us take for example the hard drug parties of a very wealthy businessman from Pondicherry who has a palace in Pitchandikulam Forest – why no action been taken on these Ibiza bikini parties till 5 am in Auroville land? Let us also rewind to one Working Committee member who broke the head of an Aurovilian for allegedly drinking alcohol near his house. Why was the victim suppressed and why “attempt to murder” charges were not filed on the assaulter ? Let us also rewind to the assault of one Indian by one Foreigner on Holocaust debates – why did Working Committee not help the victim? Why did the Working Committee and the Hon. Chairman not solve the donation robbery case in Matrimandir ( a sacrilege to Auroville) ? Why did the Hon. Chairman and the Working Committee give an honorable farewell to a pedophile instead of handing him over to the police ? Why has Working Committee not handed over land board and FAMC members to the CBI ? This is the Autonomy that they protect - The games are crystal clear – please connect the dots.
The pyramid of the Power Corridor is big and it has made a subhuman community wherein everyone is compromised one way or the other, the lowest in the pyramid are the irregulated parties – but they are necessary to be stopped to empower an educated youth empowering the Resident Assembly. Our main aim is the Mafias which are corroding the project and also protecting small crimes so that they, in turn, protect their bigger crimes. Or else, we would also suggest that the Auroville Foundation Act should be dissolved and the project should be handed over to the Ministry of Tourism. Let us make Auroville a Tourist place like Goa in 1970s, it will do much better for the locals and crimes will be lesser. We have a proposal to get Tomorrowland, Burning Man or Ozora in Svedame with all licenses and we can fly in Tiesto or David Guetta. It will do very good for the economy of the region wherein all guest houses, tea shops, everyone flourishes. Then there is no need to depend on the monopolized Visitor’s Centre also. We can also have sky trains to ferry tourists to the Matrimandir and have helipads near the banyan tree and we can sell chana and chaat in the gardens of Matrimandir. We can also have a selfie place which states "I Love Auroville" with Matrimandir behind.
Auroville is not this – it is a spiritual project and should be regulated by principles and law which are anyway hand-in-hand – everything that the mother preached has a section in the Indian Penal Code. It is the games of the Power Corridor which residents need to wake up to. The Mother said “No Law” as a paradox when Aurovilians are supramental and know themselves what they are doing are misdeeds and law of karma is strong. In Auroville this statement of "No Law" is used to hide all crimes and human nature is greed, money and power which is running in the blood of some Aurovilians currently. According to a reply given from Auroville Foundation via Right to Information Act no one has attained supramental consciousness. Some call it human experimentation – with such collateral damages to Auroville itself ? Residents should now reflect within themselves and ask the right questions to the Working Committee, both the accused and the victim instead of pointing fingers to outside so called Asuric forces. The Asuric forces are within Auroville and are at play…
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