While this is the current state of affairs in Auroville it also reflects on the entire world. Auroville is an experimental township with emphasis on human evolution. Human evolution always had psychological warfare but it is time residents understand the tactics deployed so they are prepared and do not start questioning themselves.
The people who rule Auroville and made a community so far had the textbook psychological warfare to keep their corruption go unabated for 35 years. It is known that now also Auroville residents live in fear. It comes to play whenever anyone who has a genuine concern/ complaint for Auroville affairs and wishes the community to progress and especially adopted on Whistleblowers without vested interests. The same technique was adopted by ancient rulers and the Mayans & Romans to keep population in control to keep eyes off their bigger agenda. Although due to the current advancement of the internet and free speech the world has already woken up and can see through everything. The following is the psychological warfare techniques adopted by the power corridor/ working groups/founding fathers:
As much as possible censor the person so he is not able to even explain what he/she is trying to say and make an entirely different cooked up story to attack the person.
Since the power corridor of Auroville has the media in their hands only the cooked up stories will reach the audience (in this case the normal residents) We would suggest friends of this person support him /her and not get carried away by the cooked up stories in such cases. There was a recent case where one Aurovilian broke the head of another Aurovilian and then justified his actions and put the entire blame on the victim. Now the poor Aurovilian has a broken head and went through surgery, has no justice and on top of that, he is being blamed with absurd stories. The sad part is that the entire Community goes with such stories! The Community should ask for facts and study documents instead of gossiping.
Disrupting personal lives – Yes – they will deploy their gossip mongers to make rifts between people. So many couples have been victim to this and their testimonies are with us. It is for the naive couple to know the truth and what is being fed into their ears and be strong. If the whistleblower / aggrieved party has more trauma in their personal life they feel that this will disrupt their message.
If the person has children studying in Auroville school, employ his/her friends to socially boycott their children. So much so that they will even tell the kid that your mother/father is a very bad person and is against Auroville. Even Auroville School teachers participate in such affairs is what is despicable. Imagine the plight of the child at such a young age – This is one of the reasons such people never come forward.
If the person is single, then spread such stories and give to residents who happily gossip without checking facts ever. This leads to the person being socially boycotted in a small community of 3400 citizens spread across 4000 acres! Such people who have all their lives and friends in Auroville suddenly feel like an alien, although they should also know that it is a gift as this gives immense strength.
Positive Note 2020:
These residents who are subjected to psychological warfare should not get bogged down, now that so much is being revealed. They should live in the satisfaction that they are doing the right thing, in fact, take it lightly and explain your closed ones, children and friends the games at play. Those days that everything used to happen behind closed doors are long gone and it will never come back. The Government is properly updated on current affairs and they have tried their best to invoke the residents. A violent attack by village mafia is not even on the cards right now since the State Police has taken stringent measures to curb the activities of the mafia. And if the Auroville media does not support transparency and ethics and even an open investigation and submission of documents then we are there to facilitate the same.
The victims of psychological warfare should just know and be prepared and forewarn the residents and closed ones of the textbook procedure so all are aware of the lies and know there’s much more to the truth than what is published by the Working Committee of Auroville.
The Working Committee is rejoicing stating that they have blocked our newsletter emails in the Auroville domain. We are also rejoicing because our target audience are those Aurovilians who yet have not been given Auroville email ids. We are also happy that after our complaint on Entry Service not having details of all residents they have suddenly come up with most resident's email ids in their Auroville directory so far. It is seen in that also around 300 email ids are bouncing back. As such, how will the residents know about anything - let alone Resident Assembly meetings ? Anyone wishes to unsubscribe to our newsletters can go to the link below which says “unsubscribe” Those who wish to follow our articles can subscribe – and the irony is that the Power Corridor members themselves have subscribed to our website along with various True Aurovilians! Why then the Power Corridor is blocking our emails to the Auroville domain?
Piece the puzzle together friends…