Many Aurovilians have supported the laying of Crown Road, which has led to a few motivated youth from Auroville to flood the internet with sob stories of trees and unsubstantiated claims. As the world loves to like and share videos of crocodile tears and drama, the facts therein that led to the Governments ( Centre & State ) to complete the Masterplan and the Crown Road ( 0.36% of the work to be done ) are ignored.
We request every reader to go through the explained facts with documents & videos in the petition. The other "motivated protests" also need a forensic audit he cites, seeing the amount of push given to false news and false protests. A comedian also rendered his support without any research trying to play the political jibe - this is why he is a comedian...
World doesn't run on likes and shares but documents. The Governments are doing a good job and it cannot waste our public funds to satisfy some land encroachers who seem to have entitlement on lands that don't belong to them.
Many Aurovilians have rendered support for the Masterplan, including Dr. Karan Singh, the ex chairman of Auroville who initiated an Enquiry Committee which led to the Enquiry Committee citing CBI, ED, IT, NCB & NIA investigation ( still pending in the Ministry of Education ). He stated in his letter:

Sheep are herded in Auroville without facts & sense with truckloads of pseudo spiritualism and ego, leading to these fake protests. Many letters of support appreciating the actions of the Secretary of Auroville (PhD in Sri Aurobindo & IAS) have poured in.
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