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Sri Aurobindo Society & Auroville: The Land Issue & Autonomy: Satyameva Jayate

Writer's picture: The Auroville FilesThe Auroville Files

Sri Aurobindo Society & Auroville: The Land Issue & Autonomy: Satyameva Jayate

Dear Readers & Fellow Aurovilians,

We know that most Aurovilians get infuriated by the word SAS (Sri Aurobindo Society) and despise the book “The Dream Hijacked – by Dr. Nirmalya Mukherjee. Neither are we SAS agents nor are we here to destroy Auroville so before speculation let us look into the larger picture of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother. As both these societies by now know that we have revealed and concluded our research into the Land Encroachments and rampant crimes in Auroville & Puducherry. Whether people deny or not is up to them, the harsh reality should be told.

By now we hear voices from Auroville in the back alleys that we are associated with SAS and we are absolutely not. Kindly read this book for History was recorded, void the emotions and Indians vs Foreigners racism, void the anger and fights which could’ve been exaggerated – but not documents.

As a beautiful Aurovilian recently wrote
in the Integral Yoga no one is bad and no one is good; we all come to transform the shadow, in whatever form this manifests – and which Sri Aurobindo, commenting a text by Jung, in the case of his sadhaks calls the evil persona.”

When we go to Auroville we see pictures of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother together and when we go to Sri Aurobindo Ashram we see the same. When two societies fought in 1976-1988 the entire area of Puducherry & Tamilnadu became a place of land encroachers and mafia, murders and assaults.

How will we now solve this in the future? A proper Ordinance? Spiritual Justice? Time will tell…

Let us forget the past but should the future be safe and sound and not violent and in the right vision of The Mother ? Wouldn’t that also transcend into the villagers and everyone around ? If Auroville can transform the world with peace it has to start within the house – reflecting, accepting and then solving not by denying and covering.

Neither are we against Autonomy nor Self-governance, but we are only for the Principles for which Auroville was founded and against Rampant crimes...

We are not scholars nor IAS officers nor lawyers, we love our country and we love Auroville, and we are normal aspirants and citizens…who look upto Auroville and it's Divine Grace...

Now, will The Current Government which has rightfully said in words in the media and shown in actions, Eradicate Corruption – Build a New India ? Will it Eradicate Corruption in Auroville so that Auroville manifests into the utopia that it should be so that it could be an example to the World? Can India be the proud country to have Auroville? Time will tell…

This would be the biggest gift to South India and a merger of people and humanity….With this spiritual gesture without affecting autonomy, Auroville can be solved with love for Aurovilians…

The answer is with the Government of India and the Aurovilians if they can rise above politics, money, and power for the greater good of Auroville & for Mother India…

Last page of the Book – The Dream Hijacked :

As for Auroville, there has no doubt been many mistakes, perhaps by everyone. What is important is what we learn from them and how we deal with them in the future. One day there will be an Auroville that will stand on truth, which will be a model of spiritual life with harmony, compassion, and joy, and which will work for human unity. The 50th year of the inauguration of Auroville and its golden jubilee was celebrated on a grand scale on February 28, 2018. The Mother has called Auroville “The City of Truth”. And the motto of India is “Satyameva Jayate”—“Truth alone Triumphs”. It is important that the truth behind the takeover of Auroville by the Government is also revealed to all. I am therefore glad that this book is coming out on the 51st Anniversary of the Foundation of Auroville. There is no better way to end this book than with the reassuring words of the Mother: You say that Auroville is a dream. Yes, it is a “dream” of the Lord and generally, these “dreams” turn out to be true—much truer than the human so-called realities!



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