For decades Auroville has been known to collect donations for various reasons from forestation to Tsunami, using locals as their donation campaign. Let alone humans, sadly some Aurovilians also use affection towards dogs as a way to fund their personal escapades.
Here we have the expose’ of two ex-executives of Integrated Animal Care Centre (IACC) https://auroville.org/page/iacc, who have swindled lakhs of money for themselves, while rescued dogs need dire rescuing.
The good souls who were related to the Animal care centre compiled evidence and reports on the activities of the ex-executives to the Resident Assembly of Auroville to no avail. The whistleblowers were constantly intimidated by their visa, housing and status and recently it is known that the Entry Board of Auroville ( run by a businesswoman ) has called the whistleblowers in a bid to remove them from Auroville.
The new executives who came into the premises saw it in a mess and most of the 300 dogs were sick, with dead bodies lying around and the ex-executive one, Kannan Krishnan did not cooperate at all. He also phoned a 15-year-old girl who had handed over the password for the IACC Instagram account to the new team and threatened to file charges against her. He continued to attack two of the three whistleblowers and even wrote a long complaint with made-up allegations to Immigration which triggered an investigation. The current working committee does its best to help the new team and reported everything to the secretary who initiated a financial audit of the IACC books.

The following is all the evidence meticulously complied by the whistleblowers,
The corrupt entry board vindicates whistleblowers
As known, to show Auroville has a zero crime rate and to maintain its autonomy status, many crimes in Auroville are suppressed by the vindication of the victims/ whistleblowers. This is how a businesswoman in entry groups is known to keep crime under wraps, emboldening criminals. One whistleblower has been invited by the entry board, where he gets accused of living outside of Auroville, which he didn’t. The age-old strategy is to accuse men of being violent to women and a campaign with such false accusations has been spread by the ex-executives. It is likely that this will result in one of the whistleblowers losing his visa, and his newcomer status might be terminated. Auroville believes that it can resolve all donation fraud, land mafia criminal activities, child abuse and other crimes internally, to retain an autonomy that no one envisioned, not even the Mother, let alone our Constitution. If crime is not heinous enough, covering-up crimes are more sinister and the destroyed lives of many such victims are the legacy of the entry board of Auroville for decades.
Is this ‘autonomy’ where crimes are kept under wraps? is what the Ministry of Education should ponder upon. We never knew that public donations when they enter Auroville, there is no answerability to the public.
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