How is a System of Corruption contained?
For any Authoritarian or Crooked Power Corridor to continue their deep rooted Corruption called Auroville Way, they foresee way ahead while planning a community where they can steal Sri Aurobindo & The Mother’s philosophies and make it into a Corporation to slaughter the Good Aurovilians, Aspirants and others related to Auroville including villages and public of India in general. The impact of the Power Play of the Power Corridor is not only on a National level but also impacts all Globally as when Spirituality is contained in a Geography which invites international tourists and aspirants, corruption has no place in it.

To make the residents be in disarray and to confuse them, false propaganda is published or true news and issues are negated completely. This is evident by an email from the Editor of News & Notes on the incident regarding Mr. VikramRam :
Re: Crucial information of Eden of Zen ( 10 Acre Land ) being Auroville Land not been published
News and Notes <>
Thu, Sep 27, 2018, 11:19 AM
to me
Hello Ram,
yes i have read on your facebook what happened and was horrified for sure, what an ordeal for you and your family to go through.
The News&Notes is not a newspaper. It is an Auroville bulletin, of practical infos by Auroville residents and for residents. We do not write articles, and have no journalists, we don't do journalism.
Actually it is just me, one person. Compiling what I receive from the Auroville entities.
We are not and can not be the place for this criminal issue. It is with the police already and belongs now to the criminal justice system of India.
I trust that Auroville Foundation and Land Board is on the case, as with all the other cases of encroachments of Auroville land.
I hope the case is solve soon, and that no such violence happens again.
On 27-Sep-18 09:26, Vikram Ram wrote:
Dear Team @ News & Notes,
I believe that any media / newspaper should be free to inform the community of the truth. Last Diwali 18th October 2017, I was almost killed for revealing this information to Auroville Foundation. Attached are the letters from Secretary to the State Police and Thalisdar on the same. Pls explain why this has not been published and if you will publish this now?
Doesn't the community need to know that 10 acres of land on Old Auroville road , between Djama & Aurolec, belongs to them? No mention of this ever happened? I believe you have responsibilities to conduct ethical journalism :
· Collect and distribute news material from all over Auroville.
· Report on daily events, be they negative or positive
· Project an accurate image by reporting on the positive and negative developments including crises.
· Report from the national angle on events on the international scene that are of special interest to the country.
· Serve as an instrument of national unity.
You want more information, I can flood you with the same.
Warm regards,
Vikram Ram
The True picture of what happened was never told to the community and never even published. Not one Word – A Friends of Auroville is almost killed and a New Comer is injured, but they decide not to publish for the residents to be informed. This is how the propaganda machinery is controlled while backdoor meetings and cover-ups go to play. We also suggest that they should not call it "News and Notes" but call it "Notes from the Power Corridor"
There seems to be a possibility that the fight between the Printer and the Editor was engineered. It seems to be a ploy of the Power Corridor to make an Indian fight against a good-hearted Aurovilian and put all the blame on the good-hearted Aurovilian – this is deeper how divisional politics is played by the Power Corridor and the Residents cannot see reality. When will the Residents wake up we have no idea – maybe one day…
What is the coincidence of this happening exactly when the Enquiry Committee was in discussion and Resident Assembly was reviving? Is everything just a coincidence?
What is the coincidence that the Editor of News and Notes at the same time was getting involved in the Resident Assembly Revival Group ? Was this done to silence her ? What all information did she possess ?
Coincidentally the information shared by Mr.VikramRam to the Under Secretary and one Carel and Hemant suddenly goes to the land encroacher within 48 hours and his staff are attacked on 15th August 2017.
We don't think we should leave the Manifestation of the Mother's Dream to Coincidence
- The mentions herein are the sole expression and view of the author
Clarification by the Editor of News & Notes :
I am preparing a full report, to reveal the truth. But this part as you have written it is not true. Paper printing was reduced as per the choice of every single resident. Now, on the opposite, the mailing list was expanded more and more, reaching anyone requesting the soft version. We were also planning a whole website for the NN, including articles in the future. Silenced i have been? yes, for sure. not entirely the way and reasons you see it, but still. i was starting to wake up. That is not welcome. Any way, just for truth's sake, the part you have published is not quite true.
Response from Mr. VikramRam :
Dear Editor of News & Notes,
Thank you for your response and the point of this website is to facilitate open discussion with Aurovilians.
Also I do not agree that you should only publish whatever they say - you should speak the truth being an Editor of News and Notes. The other part kindly please clarify in front of the community without fear. Please also note that this is the only article so far which had this in the end : - The mentions herein are the sole expression and view of the author
We had a point of view of News & Notes and you clarified and we published the same for ethics and transparency. The larger picture of publications and radio of Auroville used for propaganda and to hide the truth still lurks and you also confirm the same. You also confirm you have been silenced, kindly speak facts to the Governing Board directly as they seem to have constituted some task forces and your internal processes have failed, since they also told in the open meeting in Unity Pavilion that there should be no gap between the Resident Assembly & the Governing Board and you do not need to use Working Committee as a conduit in fear.
Thank you for clarifying....
Warm Regards,