The Parallel Economy of Auroville Explained: Chapter 1
One wonders where do crores of money go? The following shall explain to our readers where and how donations, government grants, and goodwill of Aurovilians disappear. Based completely on facts, records, and documents with exhaustive research of many years:
Auroville trustees explained:
The birth of Auroville was a fight of trustees that saw the enactment of the Auroville Foundation Act. Trustees have been fighting over control of the nexus of Auroville affairs since then and conducting numerous human rights violations on people of the world in the name of Autonomy & Self Governance. These mighty trustees of Auroville as seen for decades have immense autocratic and bureaucratic influence, unduly enriching themselves, are sadistic and wilfully destroying the project. The Old Pioneers have also passed a Supreme Court judgment allowing them to have a trust for tax-exempted funds. This does not mean that they do not need to pay taxes for commercial activities but this has been their modus operandi so far by fooling residents the meaning of Autonomy and Self-Governance. This is why so many private and illegal properties on OCI have not been revealed for such a long time. Furthermore, by keeping the Masterplan at a moot point citing village aggression, the members of Working Groups have amassed considerable ill-gained wealth beyond one's imagination.
Auroville administration has been taking away the lands and properties of many Aurovilians in the past, but silently have been buying hills and palaces everywhere.
When caught, they amalgamate everything into trusts or sub-trusts of Auroville/ affiliated to Auroville and say it is part of the community. This is nothing but gross Cheating of the World so far & betraying the Dream without any Conscience for greed and power.
Auroville Trusts & Sub Trusts
Donations are raised by the trustees directly and are funneled into these trusts and are not routed through the Auroville Foundation. You heard it right ! Donations are raised by trustees showing Govt of India, UNESCO and Dalai Lama affiliations take donations in their trusts directly which use Skill and Hardwork of Volunteers, Resources of our Motherland, Sweat of our Villagers, Goodwill of Pure Hearted Aurovilians, and they want to be exempted from taxes for commercial activities and services! When anyone is caught, the entire institution comes into play to hush up matters to hide their bigger agenda. Please do note that there is always a ‘value’ attached by volunteers, which is not just monetary but also time and effort.
Auroville International
Auroville International has representation in 34 countries and many many centres and collects donations directly! The amount of money that has been collected by them showing Auroville- a project of Mother India is not declared to the Resident Assembly or Public of India for so many years. They keep an x amount for their administrative expenses ( which we are not aware of ) and send the remaining to Auroville Foundation or the trusts directly. Should we not doubt that this immense Parallel Economy of Auroville is a Hawala Channel? Is this why there is so much clout around Auroville matters?
The Mighty Trustees
These trustees of Auroville have not only hidden themselves tactfully under a garb of spiritual consciousness and autonomy but also manipulated laws and principles of The Mother to their benefit. And then on top of all this these trustees and pioneers conduct human rights violations for decades in the name of spiritual consciousness. Many crimes in and around Auroville are directly or indirectly due to the Auroville administration.
The Trustees also manipulate the Resident Assembly by giving them gifts, baksheesh, positions, spread gossip, rumors, politics, and play divide and rule - basically everything that the Mother never wanted in Auroville.
Why are trustees so worried about their power and positions? As seen, they have been incapable of administering anything so far and there needs to be no reason to give a long rope for them further. Aren’t trustees also servitors of the divine and are volunteers? Dissolving all trusts and bringing everything under one trust as The Mother envisioned will prevent further corruption and a complete stop to 'power struggle'
56th Governing Board Meeting
It has been noted in the Minutes of the Meeting of the last Governing Board, that all donations should be routed through Auroville Foundation. Two members seem to be against it - one of them notably Dr. Karan Singh. Is the Maharaja of the Dogra Dynasty not aware of 'Simplicity' and Administration of the Project? Or is he very well aware and wants to keep this Parallel Economy going?
Till all trusts of Auroville are not dissolved and a centralized accounting system is not in place, there is no necessity for the world to contribute monetarily or volunteer to this sinking project which feeds trustees, not the project. Aurovilians should stop paying monthly contribution because they are being fooled
Laws of Lands and Trusts
Many laws have been passed by the State and Central Government for the functioning of trusts and foreigners across India, how can Working Committee even dream of being exempted from them, opening more trusts and a ‘liaison office' in Delhi? This system is in place to manipulate accounts and our governments calling themselves to be Autonomous and above law.
History: Excerpts from Auroville: The Dream Hijacked
"The courts of Pondicherry had earlier given a clear judgment where they had mentioned that apart from SAS no other organisation had the authority to collect funds in the name of Auroville.
However Kireet, without caring for this court order, started two trusts. One, The Mother’s Institution of Research, where he and Singh were trustees, and the second Auromitra, where Kireet, J.R.D. Tata and Satprem were the trustees. Kireet admitted that he had become a trustee, though he was a government servant. These two trusts collected a large amount of funds illegally, and some of the funds were given to the rebels in Auroville. In the cross examination, Kireet said: I started the Mothers Institute of Research in Delhi. It is a Trust. It is also connected with Auroville. The Trustees of the said Institute are Mr C P N Singh and myself. I was the Managing Trustee. I collected some donations. I constituted the institute when I was a government servant. …."
We are not supporters of any trustees or societies ***
Dr. Kireet Joshi handed over this system to Dr. Karan Singh and he has tutored Mr. Srinivas Murthy (Under Secretary) to operate this and he has been allowed to continue as Acting Secretary giving a wrong signal to the world that the current Government may be planning to take over this System. Hence, the inordinate delay in action and a long rope given to Srinivas Murthy and he was exonerated besides having lied to the Enquiry Committee. Dr. Karan Singh also said in simple words through his letter "Save Srinivas Murthy - Don't look into other things or our Parallel Economy will be exposed"
Central Vigilance Commission
Let us state the following Vision and Mission of the CVC:
Vision & Mission
The Central Vigilance Commission was set up by a Government Resolution in 1964. The Commission was accorded the status of independent statutory authority through the Central Vigilance Commission Act,2003.
As the apex integrity institution, the Commission is mandated to fight corruption and to ensure integrity in public administration.
To promote integrity in the governance processes by:
Creation of a credible deterrence against corruption through prompt enforcement of anti-corruption laws and regulations
Undertaking effective preventive measures to minimize the scope of corruption.
Raising public awareness to inculcate ethical values and reduce society's tolerance towards corruption.
Hasn’t the Ministry of Education already asked Auroville to follow GFR and CVC guidelines? Why cannot the mission of CVC also be implemented?
Stay tuned for more: